Free Your Mind From Assumptions
Posted on June 20, 2012 by Tanya Ragbeer, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
As humans, we make daily assumptions, whether they are based on fact or interpretation, that create undue stress in our lives!
To Assume: To take for granted or without proof; to take upon oneself. Appropriately named according to my mother, “Assume = To make an “a**” of “u” and “me”.” It is human nature to want to assess situations, and then to react based on our own interpretations or assumptions, however, this can cause undue stress or create blocks where not necessary.
It is quite easy to go into an interaction and to come out of it with the wrong idea based on assumptions of what took place when we base them on our own individual past experiences and any potential history that we may have with the other participants involved, or on similar situations of our past. However, knowing that we have this tendency to assume, it is important that we seek to clarify each and every intention before we create walls based on negative history.
When the assumptions have already occurred and we are locked into thoughts such as “they don’t like me”, or “they think that I can’t, or shouldn’t…” it is difficult to see that we are headed on a negative path and to do anything to change it. Once negativity sets in, it can totally consume us and block our positive thoughts and feelings.
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