How To Create the Life You Deserve
Posted on June 16, 2012 by Arlene Miller, One of Thousands of Relationship Coaches on Noomii.
Find out how changing your thoughts can change your life.
A friend of mine said to me yesterday that this month could not be over soon enough for her. Then, she proceeded to tell me the long list of things that had ‘happened to her’ – her aged mother-in-law had died, an acquaintance her age had died suddenly and she had been sick with a virus for a week.
After she shared with me, she repeated the same story to everyone else that entered the room. She was judging all of these things as bad, wrong and terrible and looking to us to ‘make her feel better’ and confirm that her life has been harder. I was really struck by this. How often I look outside of myself to feel better, validated or ‘more whole’? How often do I tell myself that my life is more difficult than someone else’s, and for what purpose? And, how often do I make things worse by feeling sorry for myself?
The drama queen in her was a nice reflection of the drama queen in me — sobering and uplifting at the same time. I was grateful for being aware of a pattern that has not been serving me, so I could acknowledge how I felt and let it go. I find that if I am judging someone else, there is usually something I am avoiding or denying within me.
What we think, we create for ourselves. What are your predominant thoughts and how are they playing out in your life? How would you re-frame one of them to better serve you?
Happy manifesting. I look forward to your comments and sharing.
Arlene is an AV Rated Attorney and Professional Life Coach & Mentor.
Check out her websites and The JEWEL SHOP features an iphone and android App called Insight Now —daily quotes to inspire and uplift you, as well as her timely e-book The Looking Glass of Love: Heal Your Children, Heal Your Life, which includes a your own free online environment complete with articles, videos, music and a personal journal.