The Magical Power of Perspective
Posted on June 09, 2012 by Liz Wiltzen, One of Thousands of Leadership Coaches on Noomii.
Our freedom lies in our capacity to cultivate empowering perspectives
The Magical Power of Perspective
Posted on October 17, 2011 by Liz
Can you remember the last time you were even a little unsettled by how things were going in the moment?
Bet you don’t have to think that far back, there are all kinds of emotions that show up to mess with our peace:
impatience agitation anxiety anger fear overwhelm frustration tension uncertainty embarrassment disappointmentYou know it because it feels like things are not flowing, energy is stuck, blocked, not moving freely. It’s usually accompanied by a sense of isolation or smallness, and a feeling of limited possibility. Not much joy here. And always, the undercurrent is: “This is not the way I want things to be.” (Add a little foot stomping for emphasis).
It’s Never ‘The way it is…”
Here’s a secret weapon to wield when you are stuck in a moment, an hour, a day or a life of wanting things to be other than they are – change your perspective.
It’s amazing how we get caught in believing that our current perspective is the absolute truth. Sometimes we’re so certain of it, we don’t even realize it’s a perspective. Yes, there’s truth in it. That’s the trap, because the part that’s true can convince us it must be the whole story. And if it’s the whole story, then we have no choice but to feel this way.
The good news is, there’s truth in a lot of other perspectives as well, and we get to choose whichever one is most resourceful in our life. Wanna feel better? Change your mind.
Choose Your State of Mind:
If what we believe is not working in our life – we have the option to change our belief. The first time I got this (a long way into life), it was a complete revelation. I’ve spent the last 15 years or so test driving it. It works. Every single time. The only way it doesn’t work is if (for a variety of reasons) we’re not willing to shift.
If you are willing, if you really want to shift to a better state and be free of the negativity swirling around in your space – here is one tool that can get you there:
The Power of Reframing
First, get clear on what the issue is from a neutral, perspective free standpoint. Hate your job? The topic isn’t:
my crappy job my boss sucks I have to quitThese are all perspectives. The topic is simply “my job”.
Now, get clear on your perspective. Let it have a voice. No holding back, what are you feeling in this moment? About “your job.” Really dive in. Whatever it is, really immerse yourself in how it feels to hold that perspective as 100 % truth.
Here’s where movement comes in: it really helps to change your physical geography when you do this exercise. Turn yourself upside down. Get the chair spinning. Dance. Whatever works to change your alignment in space and your orientation to the moment will absolutely help to bust you out of whatever mind state you’re in. Move the body to move the mind. Now try on something radically different.
Really Step Out
Ask yourself “what’s another perspective?” The more different from the current one, the better. Nothing to lose. You get to have your current perspective back anytime you like. Just try something else on, and find the truth in it. Even if it’s only .01% true, see what it feels like to take it out for a ride.
Feel even just a tiny shift? Try another, the wilder the better. One of my favourites when I really feel pummeled by life is, “What if this was actually the best thing ever, and I just can’t see it right now?”
Feel like you’ve lost something? Ask,”What have I gained?”
Bad decision? “What did I learn?”
Mad at someone? “What’s a compassionate perspective?”
Feeling stuck? “What’s the flow perspective?’
Stressed? “What’s the lean back in my chair and relax perspective?”
Boxed in? Trapped? In the dark? “What’s the sun on my face perspective?”
It’s endless, just keep trying stuff on until you find one that feels true, and feels good. Then choose it. The first one will try to hang on for dear life, there are lots of reasons you were in it. Identify them, and let it go.
Claim your peace.
Good to ponder:
“A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before we changed.” – Earl Nightingale