Posted on April 26, 2010 by Nicklas Ehrlich, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Learn how life coaching and brain exercises can change the 95% of subconscious programming that may be negatively affecting all areas of your life.
To understand how to change your brain, change your life it is important to first understand why it is important to do this. Many of us struggle to make positive changes to our relationships, physical and mental health, and our career and finances. The fact that the majority of us are only using 5% of our conscious brain makes that struggle even more difficult!
Our brain can be programmed for failure and we may not even know it. If our subconscious is programmed for failure, our best efforts at making healthy choices and good plans can still be sabotaged. This is because our subconscious mind controls 95% of our brain and is guiding our thoughts, feelings, choices, and behaviors without our even being aware of it.
How did this programming get there? Well, it got there through early childhood experiences, and even by means of genetic memory passed down through generations. Our subconscious mind is constantly downloading information through all of our senses, and not discriminating what is being downloaded. This part of our brain is not concerned whether the information it is taking in is correct, healthy, or if it will support the reality we desire.
The programming we experience over our life time can leave us with a flight, fight, freeze or collapse nervous system condition that can have our body pumping stress hormones and leaving us in survival-only mode. When the body and brain are in survival mode (even if we don’t realize this) our system is drained and there is little to no energy to enhance and grow the various areas of our life.
We can’t change our negative programming by affirmations, or wishing, or even by planning and making good choices. This is because the subconscious controls 95% of the brain and it will revert to whatever program it has stored. Eventually our best-laid plans will snap back, like a rubber band being stretched to its limit, making us feel frustrated, hopeless and sometimes shameful.
Each time our programming sets us up to fail or have unpleasant outcomes, the brain programming is reinforced and hungry for more confirmation, looking for more evidence to support the negative beliefs and perceptions. When this part of the brain doesn’t find negative evidence it may create it so that it doesn’t become stressed and conflicted. The programming has to match the experience in order to not feel confused.
So what can you do when your programming is sabotaging your best intentions? How can you change your brain, change your life?
The first thing we can do is to use the conscious mind (the 5%) to observe what isn’t working in the various areas of your life. The second thing that can be done is to employ techniques to re-program the subconscious mind (the 95%) to make it work for you. There are a variety of brain exercises, techniques and tools that can re-program the brain.
Once there is a healthy program running in your brain, you can experience your outer environment in a way that supports what you want in life.
The process and techniques used to do this are easy and do not need to take you back into the difficult memories or areas of your life. Rather, the process identifies unhealthy programming and works to change this through simple and gentle techniques that can transform your thoughts, feelings and behavior.
With life coaching and learning various brain exercises and techniques, you can learn how to change your brain, change you life.
Nicklas Ehrlich: MSW, RCC (Registered Clinical Counselor)