How many marketing touches?
Posted on May 19, 2012 by Deborah Gallant, One of Thousands of Entrepreneurship Coaches on Noomii.
Your marketing needs to be consistently in front of your target clients.
It’s harder than ever to rise above the “noise.”
There’s an underlying principle in marketing that you need to have multiple “touches” with your prospective client before you become top of mind.
I’ve been researching to see what the latest statistics are…(I’ve heard anywhere between 7 and 23!) and not surprisingly, there is no agreement among marketing professionals on what the magic number is.
Anywhere you are, we are assaulted by advertising and marketing messages. Think about it: there are Zappos ads in the shoe bins at the TSA security checkpoints at airports. Facebook has a whole sidebar full of targeted ads every time you log in, even more tv-style spots directly assaulting you when you play one of those addictive Facebook games.
As small business owners, you need to figure out how your message can break through that noise to get you noticed by your best prospects. In order for some one to want to purchase from you, you need to move them along the familiar Know—>Like—→Trust spectrum.
That requires more than one touch. It is unlikely people will buy a high-ticket service from you the first time they hear about you. (In fact, I’m suspicious when someone says “Yes” the first time they meet me!)
Every business needs to have an integrated marketing strategy that uses several different touchpoint methods. Blogging, social media, workshops, conferences, in-person networking, article publishing, signage, press releases. You’ve got to stick with it and be consistent. There are some people who have been on my list for over five years…but they see my email newsletter arrive every month and they are reminded about me. And yes….when the time is right for them…then they set up their coaching exploration call. How many touches does it take for you? Ask a client and find out!