Each coin has 2 sides. Each human has 3.
Posted on May 18, 2012 by Anita Boska, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Self Discovery
Most self help gurus will as you:
Which one are you? Thinker, Feeler or Doer?
THINKERS have always got thoughts going round in their
head. They need to learn to do things, rather than just thinking
about doing things!
FEELERS are very sensitive to their environment and pick
info out of thin air. They always have their finger on the emotional pulse.
They need to learn to think a little longer before they
decide to fly around the world on a paper plane!
DO-ERS are always busy and active and find it hard to sit
still. If you want something done – ask a Do-er. They need a little more being, and a little less doing in their life.
WHOEVER you are is ok!
So why do find ourselves so confused at difficult times in our lives? Because the above statements are true, but they only speak of our actions- that represent our motivations side- the part that I like to call- THE BRAIN.
There are 2 other sides to us, that are not necessarily synched with THE BRAIN, therefore- when not synched the thinkers such as myself- find ourselves in all sorts of peculiar situations.
The side that we forget about the most is called THE BODY. When well rested, well fed, and bathed- I can sit and think with 100% accuracy for at least 12 hr. THE BRAIN being in charge of THE BODY, when notices that it’s owner- ME, did not let it sleep, fed it pure refined liquid sugar with caffeine- because it’s on the run- and there are still 3 more days of this to go… and THE BRAIN does remember its owner schedule- the brain decides to take a nap- and THE BODY becomes a Do-er. Sometimes forced to be a RE-DO-ER. Not very time/ cost effective- but that’s the price that THE BODY has to pay for facing challenges beyond it’s limitations. This, and the GOOD DOCTORS agree- is a primary factor in ALL CHRONIC DISESE. Something that our country suffers from the most…
The third side of us, is one that MOST people are very uncomfortable talking about- because … I really don’t know why as humans we are so ashamed to talk about our SPIRITUAL NATURE- I call THE SPIRIT. We all have it- this is what connects us to the UNIVERSE. The Spiritual nature is ALWAYS a feeler, and before you stop reading this article, because you think that I am going to insult your personal belief structure, just ask yourself one simple question:
Have you ever had a dream that your friend was in trouble, so on your way to work you called them- and it turned out that last night their father had a stroke?
Well, this really was THE SPIRIT checking up on your friend for you. I am sure you are glad that you listened to it. Aren’t you?
Worlds greatest inventors, visionaries and writers talk about having these dreams, and how they have impacted the human race.
One of them was Isaac M Singer, who’s one of the greatest patents came to him in a dream, when he was trying to improve the efficiency of the company he was building with his partner. He was never embarrassed to talk about this fortunate help from THE SPIRT, I suspect because he was also an artist- his stage name was Isaac Merritt.
Not too many may know, but this fact makes me laugh- but he had quite the number of wives, and at least 20 kids. Do you see now why in 1850 (about) he really needed a sowing machine?
Although, THE SPIRIT is always the feeler, being in touch with it is very important. As much as THE BRAIN controls THE BODY, forgetting about the needs of THE SIPRIT, makes us disconnected from the society. We cannot find the “meaning of our existence”, the reason for us being here and breathing- with out getting in touch with THE SPIRIT. That’s where our source of ENERGY comes from, and that’s where the universe, that was perfectly made- follows the voice of it’s creator.
I call the creator ABBA. You can call him, what your SIPRIT tell you to call it. But getting in touch with your SPIRIT is very important.
There is no better or worse way to be. We are what we are, but understanding our natural tendencies can help us live our life in greater balance.
You may guess what I am, if I tell you that I was at a football game recently with a friend, and after making
some long involved comment about something not related to the game, he turned to me and said “You’re always thinking aren’t you?”
Would you like to know if you are a Thinker, Feeler or Doer?
What about the other 2 sides of you?