Posted on May 17, 2012 by Dan Weigold, One of Thousands of ADD ADHD Coaches on Noomii.
Making the change to something new
At some point in life something changes, something dramatically changes and it requires you to make some choices. For many people change is a challenge especially when it is not a change they want to make.
For example consider an executive nearing the end of his or her career and facing the time to step down from something they got a great deal of satisfaction from. What is next? Having a plan, a transition plan helps make that shift a lot less painful, after all sitting at the head of an organization includes a title of importance and when that time comes there may be no title to that next place in life that confers value and importance.
Transition into something new means looking at your purpose. What is your purpose? What do you really want?
When you have goals, a plan for your life then making transitions doesn’t have to be difficult, because your next step is going to be aligned with “who” you are rather than “what” you did. Happiness comes from living out life as “who” you are rather than the title you had. Who do you want to be is the question that many people don’t have the answer to.
Whether you are taking a step to a new career, retiring or advancing in your current career knowing “who” you are matters. Being in alignment with “who” you are will allow you to do what is most meaningful to you. It means you’ll be able to pour yourself into what you are doing with passion.
Here are some transition tips.
1. Know who you are.
2. Give, increase your value to others.
3. Plan, have goals that engage who you are.
4. Act, take action and work towards the goals.
5. Check, what are you learning
6. Celebrate, find time to reflect and reward who you are.
Gandhi may have formula for success and it is this,
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
Transition means going back to “who” you are and finding out what you really want and developing an action plan to achieve those results.