Who am I?
Posted on May 12, 2012 by Dan Weigold, One of Thousands of ADD ADHD Coaches on Noomii.
What are your core values and how does that impact you?
Are you satisfied with your career?
Are you managing conflict well?
Are your relationships what you’d like them to be?
Are you fulfilled and enjoying life?
For most people the answer is “No”. From research by Gallup Research we know that only about 28% of people are engaged in their work. That means that most people are doing work they don’t love to do. That lack of enjoyment is costing the employee and it is costing the organization a lot in terms of lost productivity.
In relationships people don’t understand why there is so much anger and discontent. In part that is because people don’t know “who” they are at the core. They know who they think they are based on what other people have told them they are. That’s right, most people are pretending to be who they are.
When people know “who” they are at the core they can start taking the steps to finding a career that fits them. People that know “who” they are can start reducing conflict in their lives and learn how to communicate with others more effectively.
Taylor Protocols has perfected the art and science of determining the true “who” of a person. By taking a simple assessment the true nature of who you are can be determined. Instead of fighting against yourself start working with who you are and become more fulfilled and happier.
Do you know “who” you are?