Technology Has Changed the Workplace
Posted on July 08, 2009 by Davida Shensky, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
Technology has changed where we work today. Companies outsource the work so you can work from home and have flex time. Embrace It!
Here are some ways technology has changed the job market:
Years ago a professional speaker had to travel to companies to give presentations or contract with organizations to speak at conventions, plus they had to hire someone to tape these presentations to sell audio tapes. Today they can work from home offering teleseminars, webinars, boot camps or mentoring programs. As you do these presentations, you can create your own products to sell.
Secretaries or Executive Assistants are Virtual Assistants working from home preforming the same duties.
Graphic Designers are Web Designers today. This is an example of a job that was created due to technology. This is also a job that never existed 10 years ago.
When I entered the workforce 25 years ago there were few opportunities for people with disabilities in the workplace, so I had to make my own opportunity. Technology has made that easier and made it a more equl playing field. I use a computer and have separate keyboard that makes it easier for me to type with one hand. I also use the software Dragon Naturally Speaking which allows me to dictate using a headset into the computer and the software types what I say. This allows me to write E-books, articles, & workbooks for E-Courses.