Have an encounter with your best friend, ...yourself.
Posted on May 01, 2012 by Servando Navarro, One of Thousands of Performance Coaches on Noomii.
The easy path to become the best version of you.
By Servando Navarro, CPC, ACC
I know how it feels to wake up every day and find yourself not having the life you want. Although everything seems to be okay, and everyone would think that your life is perfect, something deep inside you is longing for a deeper level of fulfillment. Your mind tells you should be okay and feel proud of yourself, for you have all what you have always wanted, and maybe even more; however, your heart does not feel that way. Hence, your heart will be restless until you figure out what is missing.
Probably, you have tried so many different things. You joined a yoga class hoping that it would help, and it didn’t. Then is when you visited that holistic healing center looking for answers and got only more doubts. You probably have already read all the books on personal development that you could find, hoping it would clear the clutter in your head. So many times in so many ways you have sought for that magic pill that would make you feel better, feel better with yourself as well as with your life.
There is not such a magic pill, which would change everything in an instant. Nonetheless, through a process of coaching you can achieve sustainable and lasting results in your life in a short period of time. Life Coaching is all about getting to know you better so as to build a better self and achieve your goals.
We are all architects of our destiny. From the many things in life you might want to control over, the only one thing you have real control over is you, yes your-self. The good news is that controlling over you is more than enough for you to start having life in abundance, a life that surpasses your own imagining, a life beyond all telling, a life that is worth living, a life which purpose and meaning surpasses the barriers of chronological time spent here on earth. This is the kind of life you deserve; this is the only kind of life that might bring you fulfillment and endless satisfaction. I am talking about a life of tremendous legacy to many others, those living in the same time of history than you and many others who will come to this world way after you and will learn from you, from your legacy; they will honor your name and your life.
Getting to know you is a primary task in life, from your level of success on this adventure depends your level of fulfillment in life and the level of impact of your life on others. Nobody remembers Mother Teresa of Calcutta for who she was at the age of 15; no one thinks of Martin Luther King when he was in College; nobody remembers Jesus for who he was when he lived with his parents in the small town of Nazareth. Everyone remembers and honors these great people in history for who they became at the end of their lives; for what they did. Their legacy is part of the most precious treasure of human mankind. Their accomplishments are our pride, as well as our source of inspiration. We find courage in their legacy to carry on in our day-to-day lives, because what one human being could do, other human being can repeat.
Human beings are worth for who they are; notwithstanding, human beings are worth the foremost for who they can become. This is why, getting to know you is a transcendental matter of the most importance in life. Knowing who you are, knowing who you want to be, knowing who you may become if only you are connected with you inner being, with your true self.
You are like a chrysalis that carries within the wonderful potential to fly and conquer a new world, a chrysalis about to become a butterfly. The truth is you are more than who you currently are. The truth is that within you lays an unlimited power, you are not limited by who you have always been or who you think you will always be. You are not the lies that have been told about you, no matter how many think it is true. You are more than what you do for living, whether it is a plumber, a teacher, a scientists, a housewife, a lawyer. You are more than what you see when you look at yourself in the mirror. You are more than just flesh and bones. You are more than a broken heart with no hopes to recover from the wounds of the past. You are more than your wrongs and failures in this life. You are also more than the greatness of all your achievements. You are more than the nice pair of designer jeans you wear. You are much more than all your belongings put together. You are more than the best ever of all your dreams. You are not just the summary of all your experiences in this life, because the best about you is yet to come. You are who you decide to be; if you were set free from the old you, you may become the best version of yourself. Your true self lays within you.
If only you would start a fascinating journey into the depths of your being, you would be surprised about the many wonders that lay within you. You would be set free from the limiting beliefs about yourself. You would passionately fall in love with your true self. For without loving you the miracle of life will never happen. You may have an encounter with your true self, with your self not limited by the circumstances, with your true self without the limitations that you have imposed on yourself along the way. This is an invitation for you to have an encounter with your own self without any armor, any masks. This is your opportunity to discover and living the ideal image of your self, instead of carrying a distorted image of who you are.
We are living in one of the most fascinating times of human history, a time of transcendental meaning. Regardless of what we see on the news, this is not only a time of turmoil and change. It is a time of marvelous possibilities. Chances are that we are going to witness an ascension of our humanity, an unparalleled change of our race for the better. It is at the reach of our hands. You may think I am just a dreamer, an idealistic. Yes, I am; very grounded though. The good news is that you are only responsible for your own progression.
You may think that changing who you are is an impossible task. Changing who you are may not be easy, it is not easy at times to change the way you have always been, to break the pattern of your behavior. It is a long way to go from “who you are” to “who you want to be”, long way with many ups and downs. Nonetheless if you want it, it is possible. Everything starts with a journey into your inner world; the journey has in store a fascinating discovery for you, you will find God as well as your true self, right at the place were the two of you are permanently connected. Then, all you need is to believe in you, in who you really are and in who you may become. They say that faith doesn’t make things easy, but possible. You need to believe in yourself and in your true potential.
The answer to all your questions is within you, and the solution to most of your problems is you. You are full of tremendous possibilities.
I created a program designed to guide you through this gradual process of awareness, by which you will start living a life of profound fulfillment. First of all, you need to recover the sense of wonder so as to have a life that is worth living; together we will achieve that goal.
In the darkest hour even the smallest light can shine brightly; all we need to do is to find our little light and share it with others; then, you will experience the joy of serving others, sharing your gifts with others. After all, like Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “the greatest gift is a portion of thyself”. Be light!
Are you ready for the journey?