Motion VS Progress in Your Business
Posted on April 19, 2012 by Ebby Benelyahu, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Coach as a new valuable player in Business
“One must always remember that motion does not always mean progress” – Peter Drucker.(Are you still relating movement, motion, and mobility to progress? If so you are not alone!)
Most company leaders and companies in the past two hundred years were concerned with mobility and motion in their business adventures. A lot of small company owners in most businesses that I know are still very busy and concerned with issues such as travel to see their vendors overseas, making frequent visits to their customer’s place of business, making sure that their employees are at work on time, etc…. In another word the physical position of their body and their employee’s bodies are a huge concern to them. And because they put such high priority to these issues they allocate a lot of their money and resources to take care of what they assess, with low level of grounding, needs to be taken care of.
However the issue of motion and movement in the new networked age is very much obsolete. As Allen Greenspan, the recent head of our central bank, puts it in his recent book “Irrational Exuberant” internet has caused the death of distance. What this means to me and should be apparent by now to most is that the ontology of Industrial age in business was based upon motion, mobility, movements, and distance but in the Information age the notion of motion and movement is replaced with KNOWELGE, MOODS and EMOTIONS of the knowledge based worker. In another word forcing your employee to be on time to work is taking the back seat to making sure that your employee fulfills his promises, he/she is engaged with personal growth, and shares your company’s mission. The latter is a METAPHSYCAL matter and it must be dealt with as such.
In his Book “The Post Capitalist Society” Peter Drucker says the following:
“Every few hundred years in Western history there occurs a sharp transformation. We cross what in an earlier book* I called a “divide” Within a few short decades, society rearranges itself- its worldview; its basic values; its social and political structures; it arts; its key institutions. Fifty years later, there is a new world. And the people born then cannot even imagine the world in which their grandparents lived and into which their own parents were born.”
What does this mean to you and me as leaders and owners of business in the new age?
I can state with certainty that Drucker analysis is well grounded and true. Today’s business must become concerned with accumulation of knowledge. However the key question is that accumulation of knowledge is not only about reading books for the sake of getting new information. This understanding of knowledge is a very narrow view and is what causing a lot of leaders and companies to fail. In fact I will go as far as stating that a lot of our problems are caused because of such interpretations about Knowledge and learning. When we interoperate accumulation of knowledge only as an act of reading for the sake of getting new information we become stock in a descriptive mode. What happens next is we have new interpretation of the challenges that we are faced with but since we lack a greater understanding of what Action is we take actions that causes accidental success and/or in most cases failure.
What does Ontological Coaching as a new practice is here to address and why you as business owners should not only learn about the Coaching world and Hire a business coach who has expertise in Leadership and Organization field, that is if your future or the future of your company matters to you?
Ontological Coaching is a new dicspline that is concerned with the role of Language, body, and emotion. With the new Language action model of action, coaches who are properly trained in this practice bring the necessary skills to their teams. Skills such as relationship building practices, identifying shared promises for the team, Execution practices and etc…. This common sense approach to the world of coaching does not yet exist in workplace.
When looking at the previous “Divides” as Drucker put it. You will see that as new challenges rose it became apparent that new disciplines also came into existence to address them. I doubt very seriously that when Mr. Ford started his company he thought that he will need a Human resource (HR) department. But once the discipline of Management took hold later in the workplace, The HR department became as important and critical to the growth of The Ford Company as the factories where they build the cars.
Coaching is that new category that we must now become concerned with and not only know about but also allocate resources to. Not as a wing of a HR department but as a totally new category. As business owners we must address this missing category. Just as we need a HR, accounting, and sales department we must now create Coaching departments.
In closing, I would like to ask any sports fan to tell me when the last time was that they saw their favorite team to play a major game without their team’s coach and his staff present. I am a huge Laker’s fan and it is very apparent to me that Phil Jackson, Team’s head coach and his staff, has a much to do with every team’s win as any of the team members who play or Kobe who is their star player.