Design Your Own Program!
Posted on April 07, 2012 by Christopher Kostoff, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
You are the one who holds the answers to your life. Make a program of your own and follow it all the way to success!
Create Your Own Program!
I often attend seminars, and I often hear speakers at those seminars say
things like: “Just follow my 3-step program, and all your dreams will come
true!” Then I think to myself: "No…Your program made YOUR dreams come
true. I need to create MY program if I want MY dreams to come true… You
don’t know my life, my attitudes, my background, what matters to me, or even
what my strengths and weaknesses are! So how can you possibly know what
“your program” will do for my life?" Truthfully they don’t know. Yet millions of
people every year buy these programs in the hope that someone else will have
the answers that will turn their lives around or bring new levels of success.
And it rarely works.
The answers to your life are in your life, and you are the one who knows
your life. You hold the keys to the vault. You hold the answers. You are
more qualified than anyone else on the planet to create your program for
success, happiness, fulfillment, etc. I became a coach specifically to work
with people on creating that program. I became an ontological coach because
it is the most powerful way to do so. (Ontology is the science of being and the
study of the realities we live in.)
You can design your own program, and it is a pretty simple process. The
first part is to very intentionally get in touch with who you are. Engage
in the process of self evaluation. Get to the core of who you are, what you
want to do, and what you want to create. Next, from that place, develop a
future vision. What does life look like when you have exactly what you
want, exactly the way you want it, in a life that is uniquely yours?
Finally, design actions, projects, and practices that are in service of
achieving that vision. Take another step toward your vision every
opportunity you get, every single day. When you design your actions based
on your vision, success becomes inevitible.