The Power of Intention
Posted on March 20, 2012 by Sue Campanella, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
power of intention, action plan, game plan, in the moment, control, life
Yes it is a great book, but also a great way to live. Without intention you just have thought, you stay stuck in your mind. Intention brings that thought into motion. Start to move that mind clutter / mind chatter out and replace with positive intentions to get it done!
Here is an example: you didn’t have a good night sleep you wake up and say “Oh, this is going to be a bad day, I am sooo tired”. You have now set that “bad day” thought in your mind, and your day will be created around that thought. However, if you admit you had a bad sleep – BUT you can have the intention to make it a great day, no matter what, the intention will bring the great day thought into motion with everything you do. That intention will make you smile at a stranger, let someone get in line before you, take time to see how beautiful the sky looks.
You can have the thought to spend more undivided time with your kids, the thought can just stay there in your mind and sooner or later will fill you with guilt because you just haven’t been able to break away for 5 minutes. Making an intention to spend more time with your kids, again, puts the thought in motion. With an intention comes an action plan. With the above example, your intention can be: instead of watching the news today I am going to go for a bike ride with my children. You have just put that thought in motion.
The same goes for your business, your relationships, anything in your life. If you feel you just have an ordinary marriage, have the intention to make it extraordinary, to put some passion and spontaneity into it. If your business is just not getting to the level you want it to be at, make that intention to go the extra mile, to really take a good look to see what is working and what is not. Decide where you want your business to be and make a game plan to get you there.
Live everyday with intention, forward movement, be in the moment, notice the beauty around you, be grateful for all that is, you will see small miracles begin to happen. You are in control of your thoughts, don’t let them control you.