Tips to Building an Authentic Business Brand
Posted on March 10, 2012 by Lisa Fraser, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Your business brand is so much more than just your logo and tagline. When done properly, it creates a captivating experience with your clients.
Your business brand is so much more than just your logo and tagline. When done properly, it invokes a special feeling or experience that captivates your clients every time they come in contact with your business. Many small business owners or solo-preneurs feel that a brand is only for the big corporations. This is not only untrue, but that very thinking can keep you stuck where you are now. Do you know what your brand is? Is your brand authentic to you?
Authentic branding occurs when the colors, words, imagery, feelings and overall sense experienced by your clients reflects your unique style. Your personality and nuances need to be conveyed through your brand. While it can be confusing, when you are able to be clear with your brand, you are better able to connect more deeply and personally with your clients. You will also attract the right clients to you, creating a loyal tribe, saving you a lot of time and energy.
Your brand is deeply personal to you and creates sense of community and belonging with your clients. It speaks to your personality, spirituality, qualities and beliefs about who you are and the value of what you have to offer. Your brand is speaking on your behalf.
Ensure that your brand is reflected on all your client touch points such as your website, business cards, newsletter, postcards, thank you cards, letterhead and so on. When done well, your clients will feel a connection with you as your marketing materials “speak their language” and makes them feel understood.
Your spirit, expertise, the emotions you draw out and the one thing that you take a stand for no matter what in your business all unite within your authentic brand. Your belief in what is possible for your clients is projected onto your tribe, empowering them. Your brand is the core message of your business.