We are what we think
Posted on March 04, 2012 by Tammy Peix and Laura Luis, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
The mind is a very powerful machine. Besides controlling our body’s daily functions, it also controls our present and our future.
We not only eat physically but we also “eat” mentally. Everything we read, watch, see and hear affects us; however we do not see the immediate effects. Also many of us believe that just because we can’t see it that it doesn’t exist.
Our mental “diet” affects everything from our financial abundance to our physical health. It also affects our cells just as does eating the right foods and getting proper exercise. Anything we want, we can have; any goals that we want to achieve, we can achieve. We can even prevent serious health issues such as cancer by using our mental consciousness.
Our brain can’t tell the difference between what is real and what isn’t real. This is why many laws of attraction methods incorporate daydreaming about the results that we want to achieve because the brain recognizes it as us actually having it, therefore bringing it to us! Many of us including myself have had that “freaky” experiences where we just think about someone and then next thing you know that person calls us or we see them! This is proof of what we think about, happens. If we continuously think positive thoughts, we attract positive.
The same proves true for negative thoughts. If we keep thinking negatively, we will attract negative. You know what we’re getting at here. It is so easy for us to think negative because we have almost been programmed to. We have a lot of negativity streaming right through our TV sets via the news three times a day. If it was good news it would be something to be thrilled about. However all they deliver is bad news, day in and day out.
All this negativity regularly streaming into our existence combined with the negative thinking can affect our health. For example, hearing all of the stories about how many die from cancer each year, the new types of cancer that are being discovered, and learning about the new drugs on the market can trigger a negative response by our body. Just by hearing this, our body can begin feeling like it has the disease or experience the side effects of the medications, even without us having the disease or taking the medication. This again shows how the mind can’t tell the difference between what is real and what isn’t. How the heck can one think positive with all of this in our existence?
We can start by doing anything that makes us feel good. Listening to good news about health, and focusing on good health and good energy can help us feel good and attract more positive experiences into our existence. When we use our mind consciously and try our best at positive thinking our lives will drastically improve.
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