What is ADHD?
Posted on February 20, 2012 by Dan Weigold, One of Thousands of ADD ADHD Coaches on Noomii.
Procrastination, time-management, organization, focus, impulsive behavior, or inattention to details are often associated with ADHD.
What is ADHD?
ADHD is a neuro-biological dysfunction that impacts about 10% of the population in the US. There are many adults that suffer from ADHD and don’t even know that they are dealing with ADHD. People with ADHD often have more career or job transitions than most people. They may have difficulty managing finances, or getting their work done with the necessary accuracy, or they may find that the people they work with just don’t understand why they aren’t able to get things done.
ADHD is often associated with high creativity, artistry or ability to generate a large number of ideas. While these attributes are good to have for some careers there are many that require attention to detail, great time management and a high degree of self-confidence. I find that many people with ADHD just tend to wait until the last minute to start things. This can be a problem in some occupations were progress towards a goal needs to be consistent. Take a person who is in sales, someone who should be making 10 calls per day. What happens if they wait until the last day of the week to make their calls? They feel rushed, anxious and worried that they won’t make their quota and over time this may lead to less than satisfactory results. Inconsistent results or poor results can lead to decreased confidence and eventually job dismissal.
Coaching helps people with ADHD to develop new habits for managing time, prioritizing work, focusing in on what is important, and providing a supportive structure to strengthen confidence. Coaching can make a dramatic positive impact for those with ADHD.
Dan Weigold is a life/business coach and works with people who have ADHD. His ADHD coaching is best for those who are college students or adults.