Are you tired of being STUCK?!!!?
Posted on February 04, 2012 by Derek Sleater Cook, One of Thousands of ADD ADHD Coaches on Noomii.
Are you ready to make your "DECLARATION?"
I’m feeling really agitated! I don’t mean irritated, I certainly feel that often enough. I’m feeling a very intense positive energy that creating a shift in how I feel, how I think and what I do!
I’m tired of being STUCK! Are you?
If you’re still reading this, you probably know exactly where you’re stuck, right? For some of us, we may have a plan, and we’re stuck in not taking action. For others, we don’t even know where to start to create a plan. For now, just acknowledge that you’re stuck and commit to answering the following questions honestly.
Am I content to continue wallowing in my misery and playing the victim?
If you answered, “Yes, maybe” or hesitated for more than five seconds, don’t waste your time reading my blog and go whine to a friend.
If you answered, “No,” you may want to keep reading because I’m feeling enough high-powered anabolic (positive) energy to share with quite a few people out there who are ready to “saddle up!”
Ok, now that you’ve acknowledged you’re stuck and that you’re no longer willing to settle for mediocrity, what’s next?
One need not create their entire new life all in one day (see “Rome”). So we’re going to take one small baby step that is critical to build a foundation from which you can then take action. So it’s simple (that may not mean it’s easy), just write a “DECLARATION” of the change you want to experience in your life. I heard a very wise LCSW (I’m sorry I cannot remember his name to give him credit) use the word, “declaration” and I really liked the reason he chose it. You see, a declaration is about making a statement about what you want, even it’s not true…yet, or even if there is no evidence to lead you to believe that it will be true. I.e. the Declaration of Independence. Tell me, were the American colonies free of England’s rule when it was written? NO! Was there any credible evidence that they would be free? NO! And yet, they made their DECLARATION of Independence and then fought like hell to achieve their goal! I don’t think you need Paul Harvey to tell you, “The rest of the story,” do you?
Here are some tips:
1) Be specific
2) Write it in present tense
3) Make it time-oriented (specific)
5) Read it several times a day and make it part of you
This is just the foundation. I don’t mean to state that writing a DECLARATION and reading it often, every day, is sufficient to create your life and live your dream. I do want to state that it is the first step. Do not be tempted to rush into taking action without getting absolute clarity about what it is that you want. Taking action is extremely important, but consider the value of getting your rocket ship pointed in the right direction first.
Now if you’re really serious about getting UNSTUCK, here’s a proposition for you.
I am a life coach and my passion is to help other people get what they want! Maybe you’ve never considered coaching or maybe you’re not exactly sure what that is even all about. Here’s your opportunity to find out.
If you will e-mail me your declaration, I will offer you a complimentary coaching session where we can do one of two things:
1) Work on your declaration to ensure that you have the absolute clarity you need to then create your action plan.
or, if your declaration has got the clarity you need, we will
2) Work on putting your declaration into a goal and create a plan to take action
By the end of the session, you will know just how empowering coaching can be and the benefits you will achieve working with me. Even if you choose to not move forward in a coaching relationship, you will have a clear declaration and maybe even the beginnings of your action plan.
So what have you got to lose? If you’re really ready to take Michael Jackson’s advice and “Take a look at yourself and make that change!,” start writing out your declaration right now!Then, e-mail me at htttp://
I’m not sitting around anymore, content to settle for mediocrity, are you?
I would love to hear your comments!