10 Quick Tips to a Strong Resume
Posted on February 02, 2012 by Cesar Ramirez, One of Thousands of Leadership Coaches on Noomii.
An employer is often times inundated with dozens if not hundreds of resumes. Here you will find 10 quick tips to making your resume stronger
10 Quick Tips to a Strong Resume
1. Start all sentences with action verbs (spearheaded, achieved, managed, conducted, etc) do a quick “Google search” – keyword “action verbs + resume”
2. Limit resume to 1 page unless you have 10+ years professional experience
3. Spell Check (often times job hunters will not spell check and this might translate to a recruiter as lack of analytical detail)
4. Use Metrics/Numbers (#’s speak volumes, ensure to write where you were able to add value via metrics)
5. Use bullet points (employers do not want to read an essay)
6. Keep it positive (both the resume and interview are not places for negativity, you should show successes and achievements)
7. Do not lie (employers are able to tell when you are falsifying information, often times they can go back and run a background check to ensure you were in a role/company for x amount of time)
8. Do not use slang, acronyms or jargon (a resume should be understandable and professional to anyone)
9. Make it relevant (ie: if you have had experience in management, marketing and computer programming and are applying for a managerial experience in a marketing environment, it may be wise to exclude the computer programming experience to keep it relevant)
10. Proofread (read your resume out loud and have at least 2 people who are familiar with resumes proofread your resume to ensure it makes sense)