I’m Not Stressed or Depressed . . . I Just Need Some Me Time
Posted on February 02, 2012 by Tina C Hines, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
This is for the woman who is everything to everybody. This is for the woman who needs a little time to rejuvenate. Claim your 'me time'!
Now ‘Me Time’ is an activity everyone should feel inspired to take before they become stressed or depressed. Whether it is an hour, a day or a weekend (wouldn’t that be ideal), me time is often needed. Time to read a book, listen to an entire cd (without interruption), and get pampered or whatever else comes to mind. The key is spending some quality time with YOU.
Having the opportunity to spend a weekend at a destination that brings you peace of mind would be ideal. However, there are times when you are not able to embark on that journey. Therefore, you need to be creative with the things that are available. For example, hoping in your car and driving around your town; perhaps an area you have not visited. Treat yourself to a play and/or dinner; go for a walk in the park. There are so many options and if you take the time to explore you may find something you really enjoy.
So, how do you get your ‘me time’? If you are a single parent, connect with other single parents. Trust me; they need a break just like you. When connecting with other single moms you can trade parenting responsibilities every other weekend or for a day. You can plan your ‘me time’ activities around each other’s schedule. By doing this, you never have to worry about a babysitter. In a nutshell, it was a win-win situation.
If finding someone to watch the children is a challenge, take a day off work. Don’t consider it a wasted vacation, sick or personal day. It is a day that you are investing in your sanity. While the children are in school, you have a minimum of 6 hours to soak in a bubble bath, walk in the park, go for a long ride or do whatever comes to mind. Heck, if you want to do absolutely nothing but relax on your couch in your pajamas (and enjoy a small cup of ice cream without a little person asking for a taste), that is exactly how you should spend your me time.
You give your all and every now and again you have to take a break and regroup. After regrouping, you are mentally and physically prepared to move forward and take on the next challenge. Stop feeling as if you don’t deserve or have time for YOU; you are the one who keeps it all together. That is why you should be inspired to take the time to reconnect with your inner peace of mind and allow it to be exuded on the outside.
I will close with a quote from Susan Taylor, “We need quiet time to examine our lives honestly and openly . . . spending quiet time gives your mind an opportunity to renew itself and create order.”
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