2012 Resolution #29: Take a Risk
Posted on January 30, 2012 by Maria McInnis, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
#29 in our series on resolutions, this one about taking calculated risks in your life to achieve your dreams
Resolve to take a risk this year.
Taking a risk isn’t necessarily about doing something foolish, or extreme. Taking risks is sometimes more about stepping out of your comfort zone and taking down the wall that holds you back. Without daring to take a calculated risk, you can never hope to do the truly daring.
So, with that said, what do I mean by a ‘calculated risk’? A calculated risk is one where you lay out the options you have, the means you have and the margin for potential loss or failure. There is ALWAYS a potential for loss or failure, otherwise it wouldn’t be a risk, but with a calculated risk you change your odds, and tip them in your favor.
“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” – T.S. Eliot
This entire month we have spoken about loss, and success, failure and victory, but the more that we learn about it, the more that we come to realize that these things are two sides of the same silver coin of opportunity. Without taking the chance for success, we can never achieve it, and as soon as you realize it, you can truly begin.
Today the focus upon risk asks what you are willing to risk to achieve your dreams? Are you willing to sacrifice the familiarity we have spoken about in other chapters? Are you willing to sacrifice fear and the barriers you have erected over the years? Are you willing to sacrifice your chains, which hold you back, and your mistakes to build a new future?
Are you willing to make a new life for yourself with the tools that we have been building over the course of this month as we head to the penultimate chapters in this series? If the answer is yes, then you are more than ready, you are on your way.
Risk means the chance of losing something, but sometimes there are things we want to leave behind. There are people we want eliminated from our lives for their negative influences, and there are situations we must be willing to turn away from to forge an escape. These are the things that must be sacrificed in order to move on, and in sacrificing them from our lives, we free ourselves to engage our personal energies in our own endeavors.
You must sacrifice doubt, fear, hate, angst and those that bring it to move forward. Remember: as within, so without, but it works the other way around. When you surround yourself with negative influences, it infects your entire world.
“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.” – e.e. cummings
By believing in ourselves we become more, and open ourselves up. When you do this – when you allow these positive influences into your life – life begins to change, and grow, and reveals itself as a journey of joy and wonder.
By risking the past, you gain the future. It’s as simple as that. Without risk, there is simply no reward.
This year, I want you to take a risk that will build your new world. I dare you to remove the negative aspects from your life, and to build the good ones. I dare you to allow yourself to grow, and advance and expand so you can realize that every risk leads to a new beginning.