2012 Resolution #28: Make a Difference
Posted on January 30, 2012 by Maria McInnis, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
#28 in our series, today about making ripples in the world around you
Resolve to make a difference this year.
Chances are, whether or not you realize it, you are already doing this. The real question is what kind of difference are you currently making in your life?
If you’re a parent, your every action is affecting that of your child in some manner. If you work in any environment where you are interacting with people, even fellow workers, then you are affecting them somehow. No matter what you do, as long as you are around people or things, you are changing the world with little ripples that will spread out.
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” – Winston Churchill
The biggest difference that you can make in your world is to choose an attitude through which you can make the most positive impact. By showing patience, listening and just enough curiosity you can make a difference in the lives of people, starting with yourself.
What difference do you want to make in your world? No matter what it is, you’ll have to start with yourself. Take a moment to reflect upon the things you have done, just today? What ripples have you made around you? What differences did you make, however small?
Did you get coffee this morning from a restaurant or drive through? Did you smile, or frown at the person who served you? You might have set the pace for the rest of their day.
If you have children, or roommates, or parents who live with you or visa versa, how did you greet them this morning? What have you done in your interactions with them? You have made an impact in some way to their day. What you say and do is important.
You must be willing to make a big splash which sends big ripples out into the world. This ties into this week’s themes of change. By doing something new you change your life, in meeting new people you are expanding your sphere of influence, and by daring to express yourself you have allowed your voice to be heard in the echoes of the future, and all of these things help you to make a difference.
“Be the change that you want to see in the world.” – Mohandas Gandhi
Making a difference in a single life can be the proudest moment you can achieve. Growing up I was able to see the changes that could be made: my mother worked in a Palliative Care unit in the local health center, and every day she worked with the families through grieving and celebration. Simply by daring to care, and help and sympathize with the patients and their families she made the difference that they needed to move on.
One important part of doing this is to treat everyone else like the human beings that they are. We have talked about this through the Golden Rule a few times. It is found in every major culture, religion and belief system: treat others the way that you want to be treated. But another part of this is to take the time to do this.
Many people are too timid to speak up for what they believe is right, or to say something they feel is important, but the ones who make a positive difference lets their voice be heard. One word, one action, one smile can change the world in ways you could never imagine.
One rippled leads to another, which leads to another, which shakes up the entire flow of life and leads us on to better, greater things. Be aware of what ripples you are making upon the ocean of life, and put out positive energy to power their impact upon others. Be the difference, and make it happen.