Transition With Awareness and Intention
Posted on January 28, 2012 by Karen Andersen, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
As you set intentions, remember to imagine possibilities with curiosity, instead of being focused on fearful outcomes. What you focus on expands!
Did the past year stretch your patience a little? If your year was like mine, you probably went through a lot of opportunities to grow and change!
As the earth rebalances itself, we are also healing from our collective grief, disappointment, and confusion. We are waking up, and remembering who we really are, powerful and creative beings here to light a path for others so they can find their way home as well.
As your awareness expands of any painful emotions stuck inside of you, choose to stop resisting their expression, and allow them to be released so they no longer affect you as much.
Get your feelings out without hurting anyone. Without hurting anyone, is that what I said?! Hah! Then take a breath, then another, and you’ll begin to feel transformed from the heaviness that you were carrying around in yourself.
If you had a splinter, you wouldn’t feel better until it was removed would you? Highly charged emotions that overwhelm you are kind of like that, they need to get outta there!
Part of the work I do as a career intuitive is to show you that your pain encourages you to set a new intention, and change directions.
As your self criticism, doubts, and judgments soften and heal, you will love yourself more, deepen your reverence for life, and begin to transition to different choices that honor yourself.
We are being challenged to awaken to our soul’s divine purpose. We are being encouraged to show love, kindness, and compassion to those who feel isolated and confused.
Some people feel that our concept of time is being altered, or collapsing, to remind us to live in the present. If you no longer carry around your past baggage of doubts, judgments and regrets with you, then you will discover that the present is a much more comfortable, expansive, sacred, vulnerable, and life changing place to be.
Who would you be without your victimhood or excuses? Quantum physics demonstrates that what we focus on expands. Transition your thoughts to those that encompass possibilities with curiosity, instead of being focused on fearful outcomes.
You are capable of extraordinary transformation. Become aware of the support that is available just for you.
As you set your intentions for this new year, slow down and examine your priorities.
- You can begin by examining your “to do” list. Delegate some of your tasks that you don’t enjoy to others who do. This will free up your time. See how you’ve already given yourself an extra hour to attend your meditation or yoga class, no more excuses!
- Courageously tackle and begin to release some of your extra possessions, electronic gadgets, clothes, and outdated paperwork, so they do not demand so much of your attention or time. Make an intention to let go and allow more opportunities to flow towards you.
- Begin to simplify your life. Go outside where everything in nature operates in cycles or seasons, an ebb and flow, where nothing is rushed, yet everything is accomplished with grace, beauty and ease. Bring this gift of joy and wonder to yourself.
- Free yourself from the feeling that you are carrying around obligations that do not serve you. Begin to end your self pity and instead adopt an “I can do this now” attitude. Ask for the resources and help that you need, with the expectation that you will easily receive what you desire.
As you continue to use your creativity, laughter and sense of community, to expand your view of yourself, you will change and evolve with more conscious awareness.
As a career intuitive, I help you connect with your right brain, your intuition, and the brilliant, yet often overlooked part of you where your true wisdom resides. If you would like help to change something in your life, or are contemplating a career transition, allow me to guide you, inspire you, and cheer you on! It’s time to imagine and embrace a new inner you!