Breakthrough Performance
Posted on January 27, 2012 by Wynoami Glasser, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Take your life and work to the next level.
I am fascinated by the internal battles we face when our ego squares off with our true selves or our spiritual being. I started my coaching practice in the spiritual coaching niche. To be specific, I practice ontological coaching meaning focus on the ways of being we human beings inhabit to get what we want or avoid what we don’t want. My practice does not focus on religion or spiritual practice of any kind. Occasionally I will use meditation but mostly I use deep and powerful questioning as well as creativity in the form of imagination. Often my conversations with clients get a little esoteric but that’s how we like it.
Most of the coaching I do occurs over the phone. I have found over the past two years of coaching that the phone offers a sense of safety and comfort. But some discomfort allows barriers to be broken and breakthroughs to arise. It is in those quiet and tense moments when we are faced with ourselves and the masks we’ve been hiding behind that breakthroughs can occur and on the phone it is easy to distract oneself from that confrontation. Not so much in person.
So I prefer to coach in person now. Great! Still not satisfied. I trust my clients and I know they trust me but I wish I could follow them around during the week between sessions to give them a power boost when they are about to break their promise to themselves. When we take the time to co-create an action plan and when they’ve told me what they want to be held accountable for, I get excited and I know they’re excited. But I also know life happens. When life happens no action plan or accountability makes any difference. Sometimes we will fail and that’s ok, but I want more for myself and for my clients. Experiential breakthroughs through coaching is where I want to go next.
When we have conversations about what is stopping us and what we want to accomplish, it all becomes very intellectual and conceptual. When we take those conversations and add to them an action, experience is had and with that experience inevitably a breakthrough follows. However small or big breakthroughs are the one and only passage to lasting transformation and real growth. This is the form I want my coaching to take on.
So far I’ve shared with you the knowledge I have gained though my own journey and research that has birthed the desire to transition. It all started with a sense of dissatisfaction with my own performance and that of my clients’. The next step for me was to be open to receiving clarity in the form of true inspiration and passion. What I am passionate about is what will drive this evolution.
I am passionate about reaching optimal levels of performance. I am fascinated by athletes. Rain or shine they train. They train day in and day out for mere moments of performance that count. I am inspired by that. The experience of taking your body to the extremes, pushing yourself beyond your limits, is exhilarating. It is also excruciating and it is in those moments where one can be truly vulnerable. My vision is to take clients who have a desire to improve there well-being to their limits in order to break them open so we may dissolve those hidden barriers once and for all as they experience themselves as warriors.
My transition begins with questions and a desire to challenge myself. It is ever evolving and will take time. I intend to get my personal training certification as well as a certification in nutrition education. I will have to experience the relationship of client and trainer for myself for a while. It will take time. But I am fired up. Are you still fired up about what you can do for people? If not maybe it’s time for a change.