2012 Resolution #18: Give
Posted on January 18, 2012 by Maria McInnis, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
#18 in our month long series, today about giving of yourself to yourself and to others.
Resolve to give this year.
There is more to giving then material things. Giving can be a gift of comfort, or the gift of support, or even the gift of insight. What I want this year from you is for you to give of yourself to the people around you: this means in the home, in the workplace and in society.
Giving of yourself: of your strengths, of your time and of your energy is one of the greatest things that you can do this year, and in more to come. The more you give, the more you receive; it’s true!
Give it your all and nothing can hold you back!
“Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
There are too many people who think that in giving they must sacrifice, or that they’ll be taken advantage of, but part of giving is also giving to yourself. Give yourself the gift of time, of music or silence, and of peace. Give yourself the gift of a good time, or a personal day: trust me, you are worth it!
The key to it all, is to have a balance in giving to yourself, and giving to others. Never giving to yourself can be as bad as never giving to others. It gets you no where, and certainly doesn’t make you feel very good.
By daring to give you put an awesome energy out into the universe: one which elevates yourself, and which draws others to you. Sure, some of them are takers, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t give. Being aware of the people you surround yourself with is also important, because part of giving is also about giving to those who are deserving. This is why it is so important for you to give to yourself: especially the gift of a friend who actually cares, or a lover who gives as much as they take.
It all has to be in balance.
Life is all about give and take: giving of yourself to receive what others have to give. This concept is incredibly important in the home, in society and even at work. If you don’t give it your all at work then how can you expect to be good at it and achieve? If you don’t give it your all in life, how can you expect to move forward into success, and if you don’t give it your all at home, how can your house truly be a home?
You need to give it your all, all of the time, even when giving to yourself. Put your energy into creating your life, and the world you want to live in. You will quickly find that putting energy into things is worth your while.
“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift, that’s why its called the present.” – Unknown
Think about what you can offer the world today, and about what you want to receive. Do today what can be done today, and don’t worry about tomorrow. Live for the moment, and give: Today is all you have, and it is the only gift you can ever count on having, that is giving yourself and others time is such a great thing to start with, because it is that time in which true and wonderful memories can be created.
Do this, and you will find that the more you give to yourself and to the world, the more smiles you will receive, and the happier you will be.
Original: www.qpmonline.com