2012 Resolution #14: Meet Your Challenges Head-On
Posted on January 14, 2012 by Maria McInnis, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
#14 in our series on resolutions, today's using NLP's four keys of excellence to enhance your life.
Resolve to meet your challenges head on.
Yesterday we talked about living life as a challenge, but today I want to discuss about allowing yourself to meet your challenges head on, and grabbing the proverbial bull by the horns.
Meeting your challenges head on can be a daunting experience, and it is one that many people find hard to begin. Most fail before they even begin, hiding away parts of themselves and telling themselves that they ‘can’t’, or that they aren’t brave enough. They tell themselves that there is too much risk, or too little that they are capable of achieving, but this simply is not true. As long as you draw breath, you are able to create change in your life. It is simply about having the courage to do so.
Courage is not the lack of fear, but rather the ability to move past fear and into a place of action.
In NLP we teach that there are four keys to excellence. These four keys are what unlock our ability to face our personal challenges and to rise above them into success.
Know you outcome
“The words we use are strong, they make reality.” – Wang Chung
People respond the best when they know what they want as opposed to what they don’t want. In other words you’re better to say “I want to be happy,” then “I don’t want to be depressed.”The language you use is important, especially when you are making goals or discovering your personal obstacles. Know what you want, make sure it’s not something you don’t want, and you’ve taken the first step.
Knowing what outcome you want is important, for it gives you something upon which to focus in order to achieve your desires, and realize your strengths. Knowing the outcome that you want while facing your challenge is the first step to finding your inner courage.
Be flexible
“Let no one think that flexibility and a predisposition to compromise is a sign of weakness or a sell-out.“ – Paul Kagame
Through everything, we have stressed the importance of being flexible. Flexibility is a very important thing in our personal survival and the realization of success. Sometimes you might need to change a plan, and when this happens you have to allow the change to occur. Getting upset will only delay your success further.
Being prepared to be flexible will not only make it easier for you, but also for the people around you. Sometimes a sudden limitation may point you to a possibility not open to you before. Flexibility will keep challenges from becoming overwhelming, and allows you change as much as your plans.
Use your senses with precision
“Accuracy of observation is the equivalent of accuracy of thinking.” – Wallace Stevens
Actively observe your surroundings and situations: Learn to read feedback, and remember that there is no such thing as failure. Be ready to spot a new route, be aware if communications need to be changed, be aware of your world, and the worlds of the people around you.
Your reality will never be exactly the same as the reality of the people around you, and a huge part of being able to live in the world is being able to perceive how they view reality and they will react to the things in the environment. Using your senses helps you to spot the things that can be used in your environment to your advantage.
Take action, NOW!
“Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” – Thomas Jefferson
Take a moment, and think about this. The last key to succeeding, and to overcoming your obstacles.
Take your personal power right now, and don’t ask why, only how. How can you do this? What is available to you now as opposed to what isn’t? No one ever succeeded by lamenting that they didn’t have things, they succeeded by celebrating at what they DID have, and what they could utilize in their world.
When you use these four keys to gain courage, and take charge of your life, amazing things begin to happen and true change starts to occur. Resolving to take your challenges head on is a good place to start your new life off right.