I Couldn't Swim! Small Achievable Steps for Transforming Your Money World
Posted on February 11, 2025 by Dee Zimmerman, One of Thousands of Money and Finance Coaches on Noomii.
When I signed up for a sprint triathlon, I couldn't swim. Read my story, and how to apply small, achievable steps to transforming your money world.
When I was 44 I raced in a sprint triathlon. 5 months before, I didn’t know how to swim.
I had a drowning incident when I was young. Maybe that’s why I always hated the water. Thanks to some lessons later in middle school, I could jump in the water, tread (kinda) and float on my back briefly.
To prepare for the race, I signed up for a private swimming lesson to get started. It was a disaster.
But while at the pool, I noticed someone using flash cards and gliding through the water like a fish. I asked what they were doing and he said it was Total Immersion.
I got the DVR (yep) and went through the program on my own. Once summer arrived, I hired a TI coach to accelerate my learning and prepare for the race.
My progress was slow and steady—without fear, and with a sense of accomplishment. Each improvement motivated me further. And what I learned to do was amazing, when you consider where I started!
Despite being in a wet suit, open water was terrifying! I stayed as close to the beach rope at the reservoir as I could and tried to apply my newfound skills in this environment. Panicked many times. Until…
A breakthrough. I managed to relax into it, applying the skills I’d learned in the pool, and it happened! I was swimming from one end of the beach to the other, over and over, without effort.
And the race! I wasn’t that fast (my coach told me to jump in delayed, after the other swimmers and the water was calmer). But I didn’t panic (no canoe rescue for me, yay!). And because I was calm, I had plenty of energy to perform well on the bike and run.
Such a happy day for me. And an accomplishment.
Where do you need an approach where you simply take small—achievable—steps. Over time. And witness the transformation?
If it feels scary and you don’t want to jump in, I get it. Or if you’re trying in other ways, but it feels like you’re drowning, get out of the water for a moment. Take a breath. Reevaluate your approach. Maybe it’s not the traditional approach that you need. Maybe it’s something else, like my swimming technique.
Or my workouts.
If you go to my website, you can sign up for my free weekly workouts, to get financially fit. Small, achievable, actionable steps. Do you want to finally get traction toward your financial goals? I hope to see you in the Gym (and pool if you like).