2012 Resolution #9 - Make Big Goals
Posted on January 09, 2012 by Maria McInnis, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
#9 in a series on resolutions. Today's about how to make your ultimate goals a reality.
Resolve to set big goals that you can grow into.
As we have covered, goal setting is a very important part of finding your direction in life: goals give you something to work towards and reasons to continue down certain paths, but what many people never dare to do, is to set goals that they deem ‘too big’ for themselves.
In Leadership training one is taught that the bigger the goal, the more drive one has to complete smaller tasks. When you set a goal that may seem too big, what you are really telling yourself is that you believe in your ability to succeed in anything smaller and, more importantly, your ability to grow.
“Reach for the moon, because even if you miss, you’ll land upon a star.” – Brian Littrell
Being able to grow means allowing yourself to have personal reflection into the things you REALLY want in your life: your passions, your dreams and ultimately your chosen path. We have spoken at length about these topics, but now you need to realize that there is no such thing as a limit.
The first step is discovering what you are good at. We will be speaking about this in great deal around Day 16, but for now we should touch upon the importance of it. Find out what you are good at, ask a friend if you have to, and do it. Use it to make your ultimate goal.
Growing into Your Goal
The next step to actually making your goal, is allowing yourself to grow into it, and change your environment to meet it. This means learning. Knowledge is power, and you have the ability to to gather that knowledge for yourself. Whether that means to do some research on a topic, or to return to school to take classes, it doesn’t matter: your personal path will require different things of you then of others. Sometimes it’s about meeting the right kind of people, or having the courage to remove others from our lives.
Once you decide upon your path, you must have the courage to make the choices that you need to make in order to continue, and to make smaller goals to help you on the path to the ultimate. Sometimes these ‘baby steps’ are what will allow you to expand your life so that you can have the life that you want.
On Day 7 we spoke about excepting the unexpected twists in your life, and when it comes to goal making, sometimes this is important. Do not be afraid to change your goals: just because you’ve made them doesn’t mean that you absolutely have to keep them. You are allowed to change your mind.
Life can change in an instant, and unless you are willing to be flexible enough to change with it, then no goal you make will make you happy. Choose to make big goals, but also choose to be flexible enough to accept that sometimes the goals must change.
With that said, allow the goals that you chose to make to allow yourself to grow as a person. That is the true key to building inner strength. Never sell yourself short when it comes to what you can do in life: and sometimes, you need to be willing to take a risk.
“It took me years to learn that not risking was too high a price.” – Sue Bender
Through NLP I had a chance to learn many new and wonderful things that forever changed my life: but taking the time to learn it was, for me, a risk. I was in a place of emotional turmoil: I had lost my job, my health was in decline and I was dealing with several issues from my past. NLP was a chance to make a change, but at the time I didn’t know if that change was going to be for better or for worse.
As it turned out, that choice to learn a new skill was the best one I ever made, and it has helped me to reach many new goals: some of which I had never dared to imagine before. I am still making goals that, in this moment are unattainable, but as I grow and take new risks, I find myself able to meet goals that I would never have thought possible of me. Now I know that the sky’s the limit.
Resolving to make big goals is one of the biggest steps to building a better life, and growing into them is one of the greatest adventures that you can embark upon.