Loose your excess weight and stress in 3 days
Posted on December 12, 2024 by The Urban Yogi Vaibbhavv Datar, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Not kidding bro! that's very much possible to loose your excess baggage that you carry with you. Read through to know more.
Does it seem unlikely that you can loose excess weight and stress, what I call baggage. Yes, though it seems unlikely it is proven to be true.
I come from India, a land of unique heritage and lineage of Rishis (Spiritual Scientists) and we have for years done this through right eating habits, chanting mantras and meditating upon Gods/Goddesses.
The spirit of coaching existed as Gurukul in the past, where teachings were given in a very different format, not the one given in our schools.
In my coaching work, I have helped hundreds if not thousands, loose their weight, stress and excess baggage that they carry with them.
Visit my website vaibhavsdatar . com to know more.