Posted on August 27, 2024 by Jonathan Ger, One of Thousands of Leadership Coaches on Noomii.
We've all got it, and some of us listen to it very carefully!
I have trusted my intuition for most of my adult life. It has served me well in my family life and career. I think that when a person accepts intuition for what it is & what it can be, it becomes difficult to not also be open to the much bigger picture. What is that you ask? Perhaps it’s belief in a higher being (whatever you may call that), perhaps it’s a belief in the soul, infinite energy, life after death, and so many other faithful concepts.
Why dive so deep? The reason is that it can be enlightening to give into the enormity of this life we live and how amazing our connections can be when interacting with like minded individuals, It can bring great joy to explore the thoughts that go along with replaying how relationships begin, why some almost instantly feel right, how they grow, where they go and why they go there. Imagine you’re in a class of 20 or so people or you’re part of a group that are helping each other in business or you’re at a party with a lot of people that you don’t know. For some reason 1 or 2 have a mutual feeling that there is more that could & should be explored. I’m not speaking of an attraction, but rather an uncanny connection like you have known that person for quite some time. What is it that makes that happen? Who really knows, but over time the picture gains clarity.
I have learned over the years that many people ignore what their gut may be telling them. That feeling is intuition and it isn’t exclusive to the gut. Whatever your “tell” is, when you notice it why not dare to dive deep? If you ignore it, you’ll never know what was to be. If you give it space, you meet someone who will impact your life in some way, at some time, and with some significance. At a minimum you may find that you have another quality friendship. Beyond the minimum, what if…??? What if that person ends up teaching you the lesson that you have been needing to learn and may not have even been aware of? What if through this relationship you meet other like minded individuals and in making those connections there is someone or more than one person who completely changes your life, i.e. they have an opportunity for you, they introduce you to your significant other, they have a solution for that problem that you’ve never been able to solve or what if they are all of the above and so much more?
Listen to the voice inside, the gut feeling, that itch that you get and see where it goes. Your intuition is a gift that we all have. As you refine it, you’ll find it is virtually always right. Imagine a situation where you knew you were making the right decision because your inner voice “told you” that you were. Imagine if it was right! Imagine if it was right A LOT!
Recently I have been blessed to meet and form relationships with many people from around the world and right in my backyard. As described, there seems to always be 1 or 2 that I connect with at a different level. We are elevating each other and enjoying the journey along the way. With some, I have reached that next tier. The one where the deeper meaning of why we connected is becoming visible. As those doors open, and the future becomes a little more clear, it is inspiring and exciting to surrender to the fact that this all happened for a reason – just like I trusted it would :)