How do you take your leadership to the next level?
Posted on July 22, 2024 by Maryia Oayda, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
To truly change gears as a leader, you need to grow your consciousness.
The answer isn’t by working with more clients, partners, or stakeholders to grow your influence. To truly change gears as a leader, you need to grow your consciousness.
Talking to leaders every day made me realize one more time, whatever leadership practices, code of conduct, coaching ideas we have, and no matter how good we become at manipulating our own images, psychoanalysis is what will continue to be the first tool for gaining freedom. The knowledge of patterns in developing the soul.
My practice continues proving the fact, that the pivotal moment arrives when you dive into the psychology of your being and gain profound clarity on how your psychology influences every aspect of your life.
The ability to use the knowledge of your true inner motivations, limitations, and defence mechanisms is the foundation for transformation. By gaining this knowledge of self, you also get the opportunity to free yourself from the prison of unwanted patterns.
This is when you can ask yourself: “Do I want to remain in this shadow?”.
Leaders who I work with, thanks to psychoanalysis, for the first time were able to understand to which pattern their feelings and thoughts belonged to and ask themselves: “Do I want to live in this pattern? What pattern do I need? What is the meaning of MY life?
People were able to examine their mental life, discover patterns and get ideas of how these patterns are imprinted in them. Then change them by thinking and more importantly feeling situations in a new way, and hence acting differently.
Without claiming to “cure everything”, it nevertheless helped leaders to understand their conditioning and thus gives them the freedom of choice where there was none before.
Perhaps psychoanalysis is a philosophy, and it is probably a sad philosophy, but in knowledge, even sad, there is always more optimism than in its absence, and only knowledge can change the future.