Key traits to establish an effective coaching relationship
Posted on December 26, 2011 by Sam And Associates, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
How can you build a relationship with your coach that can effectively assist your goals and objective
Coaching is working closely with someone to meet a challenge you wish to achieve or overcome. This is why commitment is an essential aspect of a successful coaching relationship. Both the coach and the client need to dedicate the necessary time and attention to the three fundamental factors of true and successful change strategy. These are knowledge, will and action. Other factors considered critical to the coaching relationship are also discussed below:
This is the sum of intelligent information gathered which will have an impact on your process. Whether you are developing a new strategy or moving to larger market this knowledge will guide your plans. Your coach will help you by asking you the right questions. These questions may include: who are the stakeholders? Are you clear on what the organization expects of you? How effective is your communication of vision and assigning responsibilities? etc.
This is the building of the internal momentum to start on your journey. This is also the time where your coach can help you prepare your teams and make sure the intended strategy is correctly communicated to the stakeholders. Enthusiasm and optimism are the two elements that will inspire confidence as the ambiguity of change start to happen. You can your coach need to be clear as much as you can on where you are going and this will greatly enhace your levels of commitment to the process.
You can have the greatest plan in the world but unless executed you have nothing to show for. Execution is where the results start to show. Your, assisted by your coach, will rely heavily on the intelligent knowledge you accumulated above. In your plan you should also have a way to measure your progress. Smart coaches know that to measure is to know. If you do not measure how close you are to the milestones in your plan you do not know where you may end up.
Other factors that can influence your relationship with your coach are:
*Trust: *
built through communication, availability, predictability and loyalty between the coach and you.
Partnership building:
Established through the recognition that the coach and you are professional partners. Natural barriers that the partnership can face include miscommunication or an uncertainty of each other’s expectations. Measures which can be used to overcome these challenges can include establishing stronger lines of communication, resolving obvious problems quickly, intelligently forecasting how decisions and operations may affect business goals, competently execute the steps designed in the implementation plans of the changes needed, and accurately measure and monitoring the results of the outcome.
*Respect: *
Established through the recognition of the coach’s knowledge, skills and abilities and your desire to develop your organization, capabilities and experiences.
Realistic expectations:
Established as the coach encourages you to set and meet realistic, attainable and measurable business and organizational goals.
Recognized as perhaps the most crucial of all elements in a coach/ business relationship. You both set aside a specific time to meet, initially as often as once or twice weekly; as the relationship develops less time may be needed.
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