From Stuck to Unstuck
Posted on December 15, 2011 by Jill Whittamore, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Help with getting "unstuck"
Have you ever been stuck? Stuck in a relationship, stuck in a job you don’t like? Stuck in
not knowing what to do next?
You deserve to be happy and prosperous. You need to get to know yourself and love
yourself. No one, not your lover, your parent, sibling or boss can make you feel bad or
unworthy. You have ultimate control over your mind-thoughts-feelings. You are in
control. You create your life the way you want it on your terms. With that said, you must
understand you have to work on you and your outcome, if you sit back and don’t work
towards your ultimate outcome- than indeed it will seem as if you have no control.
As everyone has heard of the Law Of Attraction-some seem to believe you think of
something and it magically appears. The Law of Attraction is true, however if you do
nothing towards your goal /dreams/visions then your future will be hit or miss. You must
absolutely use your vision boards and spend time envisioning what you want- however
you still must plant the seeds.
The good news…you are not really stuck-you simply feel stuck. Maybe your energy
levels are low. Possibly you have too many negative thoughts.
Most people at sometime in their life feel stuck, some people spend their entire life
feeling stuck and succumbing to it. The good news…you CAN get “unstuck”.
First you want to take some time for yourself, grab a pen and paper. Write down what
you want in different aspects of your life.
List the following:
Then write where you are at now and where you want to be in six months, twelve
months, five years. If you don’t know at the moment leave it blank and come back to it.
Place these categories in order of what is most important to you today. Write down what
you want to change and take a moment to write down the steps you could take to get
where you want. Be as detailed as possible including how these steps will change your
situation. Spend as much time on this project and be honest with yourself.
Work on one category at a time, working towards your goal every day. Have faith in your
self and let go of the negative thoughts and stay away from negative vibes from others.
As you accomplish your goals cross them out with one simply line through it and replace
it with another goal.
When you get to each time line, access where you are if you have reached your goal, go
on to the next time line goal. If you have not reached your goal you need to reaccess and
possibly find other ways to achieve your goal. There is no reason to be hard on your self
if you did not meet your goal- simply spend more time going through the steps to define
your goals.
As you accomplish your goals you will want to create more goals, but WARNING do not
go overboard, try one goal at a time.
While you are writing down your goals it may help you to take a moment, close your
eyes and envision it. See it, Feel it, Smell it. How does it feel? Try to do this everyday to
make it concrete in your mind. Be as vivid as possible.
You will find you are no longer stuck and you will meet your goals and be happier. ©