Taking Control Of Choices and Being Confident off the field.
Posted on December 09, 2011 by Jason Roberson, One of Thousands of Relationship Coaches on Noomii.
Be more confident in the choices you make while truly understanding the statement "happy where i am excited where I'm going"
This is coach Roberson the expert on change and transition. First off manifesting 101 trainings are here and I’m excited and positive it will be a life changing system, for those who are ready to receive more blessings in their life.
Today I’ll talk briefly about an empowering discover I made in my life a few years ago, that has boosted my confidence and in turn open me up to receiving more blessings. This shift in focus comes from awareness in the difference between a decision and the external deciding factor.
All Choices Are Decisions First
Psychology has proven something that the general public is slow to accept. This is, all decisions from what to wear to work, to pulling your hand of a hot stove burner are choices first in thought. The only difference between these decisions is the time it takes to make them. Nothing a human does physically can be done with out a thought first.
We are thinking organisms, we think and we do.
You Make The Decisions
The power you can receive in your life comes from a focus on the decision in which only you control consciously or unconsciously and not the stimuli in which you believe should be the main focus.
“Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you’ll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others.” - Jacob M. Braude
Of course the “reality” may be that car is out of your price range at that moment you are driving past the dealership. Yes, Maybe you have compelling circumstances that ended a friendship or intimate relationship. That fact still remains you made that choice in your mind at that’s what you can control.
How Do We Do This?
Implementing this in everyday life is not as difficult as you may think, however any change takes awareness and consistency.
So instead of focusing on the price of the car (the factor out of your control) by saying, “I cant afford this car”, or even more self-defeating “I’ll never have that car”. Make the mental shift to, “I chose not to purchase that car at this time, I’m thankful for realizing I want it in my life and look forward to owning it.” Notice the gratitude you can gain from a situation like that and gratitude is hands down one of the most powerful forces in the universe for change.
Make the shift from, my ex boyfriend/girlfriend sucked and I’ll never find a soul mate. To the statement I’m glad I was able to learn from that situation, I shall willingly move forward open to my ideal partner.
I know your first thought may be, I can’t believe those things.Well this is my question to you; if you cant convince yourself to think something who can and more importantly who does?
The Implications Of This
By making this shift you take back the power of thought that so many humans have given away to a point or not knowing its gone or how to get it back. Remember there is only one factor we as humans have complete control over from birth to death, its our thoughts. It’s the only thing! Doesn’t it make sense to let go of the false believe of controlling others and situations?
Next I’m positive adding gratitude to a previous viewed negative experience will open you up to receive the blessing that, that situation allows you to focus on.
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Remember to “Be The Hero of Your Story”