From Trite to Experiential
Posted on January 05, 2024 by Sean Self, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
It's a defining moment when someone, after years of wrestling with their inner critic, suddenly finds a new perspective.
“Huh! I’d never thought about it like that," is a phrase I often hear as a coach. It’s a defining moment when someone, after years of wrestling with their inner critic, suddenly finds a new perspective. One of the most mind-blowing realizations is learning to thank the part of themselves they’ve been battling for so long. We’re often told to silence negative self-talk, but sometimes, by ignoring it, we inadvertently give it more power. That critical part of you, believe it or not, developed for a reason, and in its own peculiar way, it’s there to protect you.
Often times when I’m working with people we will have these moments of discovery together where they will say something like “I get it now. I just have to live in the present!” Something that from the outside might sound trite or contrived, but to the two people in the room working together has such deeper meaning and understanding. There is just no way for language to really express it. It is one of my favorite experiences as a coach. When something that you hear all the time like “live in the present” or “be your own best friend” or “have compassion for yourself” that you would normally say like “yeah right, what the heck does that actually MEAN?” suddenly clicks because you experience it for the first time.
This is part of the value of coaching. Through the exercises that we do together in coaching we translate that knowledge into experience. People can tell you that chocolate tastes good all day but until you actually taste it for the first time there isn’t really understanding. The trouble is that it can be incredibly hard to get outside of our realm of experience without external perspective. It’s like if you’ve lived in a small village your entire life that is cut off from the rest of the world. Unless someone from the outside comes in and helps to show you the rest of the world, that village is the entire world for you. Sure maybe you’ve heard that there are things outside of the village but it almost seems like a fairy tale or a legend until you are able to expand your own realm of experience.
That being said, coaching isn’t the only way that you can get external perspective. You can get it from friends, family, coworkers, anyone really. The more you are willing to hear out other people’s experiences and give them a try for yourself the more you will be able to take things from trite to experiential.
I would love to help you do just that. I work with over 35 clients a week and have a 98% satisfaction rating. Here’s a review one client left “I keep being positively surprised by how you manage to take the information I give you and shoot it back at me in a way I didn’t consider.” If you’d like to start your journey of going from trite to experiential click the button.
Here’s some questions to think about. Comment below with your answers.
1) Have you ever had an experience like this? If so what was it about and how did you come to the realization?
2) Who could you reach out to right now to get some external perspective? Whoever you thought of, go talk to them.