Wanting to join back after a sabbatical , then this is for you ?
Posted on November 27, 2023 by PRIYA KHOSLA, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
A reflective enquiry to get you to the point of clarity in your next career after a break !
Have you been on a work sabbatical and now wanting to join back?
Sometimes we take a break to either
1. To align ourselves with what we truly want to create in this world
2. Be a caregiver to old parents or someone I’ll
3. Be a nuturerer for a new born or raising kids
4. Or something else
and when we want to join back perhaps after a short or even a long break ,we feel not welcomed or our own fears of am I ’relevant " takes over.
it might help if you ask the following questions before you apply for the job.
1. what does work mean for me now .
2. who am I now – (we all evolve over time.)
3. what is important for me about work now
4. what did I learn new during my break…not just through formal courses but through life’s experiences.
5. what new aspects of me have emerged
6. where do I want to create impact and why .what new skills does this need ?
7. how can I get that ?
8 who can support me ?
Action is the only anecdote to Fear!!!
DM me for one on one coaching sessions or group sessions /workshops to create fulfilling work lives :))