The Hidden Power of Our Thoughts
Posted on October 31, 2023 by Ryan Carlin, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
If you find you are facing burnout, stress, and anxiety; then stop, enlist the help of a coach, and reframe your thoughts.
We each go through life with certain subconscious and conscious conceptions about ourselves. They may have been formed before we even spoke our first word, they may be the fruit of how we were raised or the teachers we had in school. Maybe they were altered negatively by a traumatic event in our lives.
Regardless, we all have preconceptions about ourselves which color the way we view every single event of our lives, every interaction with others, every choice we make. And I mean every single decision. Every single one, even the ones we don’t realize we are making in our subconscious.
And so, it is extremely relevant for us to each take a step back and, with the aid of a coach, assess these preconceptions.
I will share one of my own, I was brought up in a Christian household where being generous in serving others and, especially in serving God was very important. When I went on to become a missionary, however, this was used by my bosses to manipulate me into working 80-hour weeks, carrying ridiculous responsibility loads, and more. Every time I tried to say no, they would tell me I was not being generous, and it hit me in the core of my being, and I would cave in and do what they asked, no matter how unreasonable or how unhealthy for me.
It wasn’t until I encountered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy through my own therapist that I started to question my core beliefs and motivations. And in so doing the direction of my life changed, healthy balance returned, and I found peace I hadn’t known in 17 years.
And so, I encourage every person who reads this reflection to ask themselves: what are my deepest preconceptions about myself? What drives my actions and decisions?
If you find you are facing burnout, stress, and anxiety; then stop, enlist the help of a coach, and reframe your thoughts so that you are the one in control of the ship and you are the one who determines your reality, not those around you.