Stop Spinning : The right decision is whatever you say it is.
Posted on October 29, 2023 by Stephanie Casaubon, PCC, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
From an early age you’ve been conditioned to focus on outcome so your mind works overtime, trying so hard to anticipate what will happen resulting in:
You know the feeling…
When things go awry.
And your instinct kicks in to try and stop it.
To somehow alter how things will go.
For you already know the outcome you want.
And, as long as you don’t give up, you’ll succeed, right?
In fact from an early age, you’ve been conditioned to focus on outcome.
Except this ideology sets you up to believe that you can somehow control the result, if only you try hard enough.
But by definition, any given circumstance can have countless potential outcomes based on the external factors involved.
Meanwhile your mind is working overtime, trying so hard, to anticipate what will happen.
Because at play is the subconscious learned belief that outcome reflects upon the individual.
The result: paralysis, worry, fear, anger etc
BUT the things you have no control over cannot define you! [read that again]
What does define you though, is HOW you show up, each and every day.
How you respond in any given situation.
How you rise to meet the challenges you are given.
This is your character.
This you have complete control over.
And it will become your legacy.
So, if you’re meeting challenges that have you spinning on what to do …
I propose that the right call is whatever you decide it is.
And if you’d like some suggestions on where to begin, consider the following :
1. What’s one thing you could commit to doing right now to move yourself forward ? (beginner)
2. What one person, situation or behavior is perpetuating your feeling of overwhelm ? How can you say no to that right now ? (intermediate)
3. How are you keeping yourself trapped in this mental loop ? What do you need to do right now to shift from predicting outcome to enhancing your impact ? (advanced)
Because how you choose to show up and write the current chapter of your life matters.
And it’s up to you when you start.
Whether it’s days, weeks, months or years from now,
YOU have the pen.
Rooting for you! ~
[If this message resonates, you can find more of my empowering shares on instagram @stephcasaubon]
- Stephanie Casaubon is a professional success coach, writer and public speaker specializing in empowerment. Her expertise lies helping her clients unlock possibilities that align with their purpose in order to find lasting fulfillment.