Posted on December 01, 2011 by Carla Langmead, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Are you in charge of your life or is something or someone else?
I am lucky enough to live in NZ (the home of the Rugby World Cup – had to throw that in!)In NZ we are lucky enough to not live in a society where our only focus is on survival. We have health and community service providers available to ensure that some of our most basic needs are met. Having this system gives us more opportunity for the freedom to make additional choices with our own health and well being. Choices of diet and what we put into our bodies, choices whether to exercise or not, choices on what we spend our money on, and for the most of us choices on how we behave. We are often to a large extent a product of the choices we have ever made and will continue to make, good and not so good. Making bad choices isn’t a crime but constantly not learning from them should be . The Narrative counselling principles which I was introduced to means that I was taught the coaching model that each of us are individuals based on complex variables. Variables like our unique genetic code and how we are socialized by a society which programmes us with it’s norms. (Advertisers know how malleable we are, thats why marketing is effective and is big business). Add to that the values and beliefs our parents encode us with and we have one complex human being. It’s no wonder that we want to run away from ourselves sometimes through whatever method we can find to distract us. (At least try and pick a healthy distraction that isn’t going to cause you more problems down the line). By exploring how we think about ourselves, what makes us happy and what we base our decisions on, we can start to put our lives in order to enable us to attain the things that are important to us. Or may be you are someone who doesn’t want the responsibility of making your own decisions, or worse maybe you are not able too for some reason. Then your only choice then is to ensure you surround yourself with people or a faith that you trust. There is no one rule that fits all when it comes to our thoughts. Many an argument, has been had and many more will continue over this. We all think we are right, and to a degree there is truth in that, we can only ever come from our own perspective based on our own experiences. Good experiences and bad, limited experiences and many. Age does not necessarily give you wisdom but many experiences can. Because we are so very different, laws and regulations are required to set down certain boundaries in order to keep some sort of control. Imagine the chaos if we all had free reign based on the fact that we all think our way is right! We have high expectations of the law, and rightly so as its the only system we can rely on when we are at our most vulnerable. We need to know that the law is going to protect us, which sadly isn’t always the case, leaving the victim even more isolated and victimized. Even the law does not make good choices sometimes.
Exploring what you think about yourself is at the heart of my Wellness Coaching. I am there not to tell you what to do, as the narrative counselling approach considers that you are the expert in your own life. My role is to help you find your own solutions or motivations based on your own ‘pot’ of experiences. It will not be the ‘be all and end all’ but it’s certainly a good foundation to base on going decisions from. My Coaching is not to be confused with counselling, I do not explore why issues are there, I leave that up to those who have been trained in this area. I do believe though, that we have the intelligence to be able to implement strategies and move forward. To be more constructive instead of destructive. In fact I will give a refund to those who do not at least achieve one small forward step.Carla langmead
Wellness Coach.
Ph: 021 1658 961
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