Harnessing Neuroscience for a Power-Packed Morning
Posted on September 18, 2023 by Natasha Mehra, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
My Journey to Maximum Productivity
I want to share with you some powerful insights on how we can turbocharge our mornings for a day of exceptional performance. And, believe me, this isn’t just a motivational pep talk — it’s backed by the fascinating science of our brains!
Our journey begins with the very first light of day. Ever notice how our energy levels sync with the rising and setting sun? That’s our brain’s circadian rhythm at work. So, when we expose ourselves to natural light first thing in the morning, we’re telling our brains it’s time to wake up and spring into action.
The next stop, is breakfast. Did you know that our brains consume about 20% of our daily energy? After a night’s fast during sleep, our brains need breakfast to refuel. A protein-rich breakfast is particularly beneficial as it triggers the release of focus-enhancing neurotransmitters, norepinephrine and dopamine.
Moving on, let’s not forget about hydration. Our brains are about 75% water, and after a long night’s sleep, they’re parched. Drinking water first thing in the morning not only rehydrates us but also jump-starts our brain, priming it for peak performance.
Next up, some mindfulness. A few minutes of meditation every morning can significantly enhance our focus, reduce stress, and boost our emotional well-being. This practice promotes neuroplasticity, helping our brains better adapt to the day’s stressors.
Now, let’s get moving. Regular exercise fires up the brain’s levels of mood-regulating neurotransmitters — serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine. Even a brisk morning walk can set these chemicals in motion, gearing us up mentally for the day.
Finally, planning. Mapping out our day in advance reduces cognitive load, helps manage stress, and enables us to work more efficiently. This practice optimizes the use of our prefrontal cortex — the part of our brain responsible for decision-making and self-control — preventing it from becoming overwhelmed.
So, let’s embrace these habits to kick-start our day and ensure peak performance. Remember, consistent small steps can lead to big changes. Let’s embark on this journey together for a more productive day. Here’s to an amazing day ahead! #neuroscience #productivity #morningroutine