Three Tips to Creating a Meaningful Life
Posted on November 30, 2011 by Chantal Beaulieu Lynch, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Three Tips to Creating a Meaningful Life
by Chantal Beaulieu Lynch
Three Tips to Creating a Meaningful Life
by Chantal Beaulieu Lynch
Tip #1: Know who is important in your life.
Life has no guarantees. When we realize that the people who we love the most are on our path for only a very short period of time, it becomes easier to see the importance of making them part of our lives on a consistent basis. Being present and in the moment while we are in their company is one of the most precious gifts that we can give them. When was the last time you looked deeply in the eyes of those you love and said “I love you”?
Tip # 2: Know what is important in your life.
When we take the time to think about what is really important in our lives, it becomes easier to make choices as to what to do with our lives (what to do next). When we stop and reflect we can see a bigger picture for our life. However, living in a fast paced society, it seems almost impossible to slow down and take the time on a regular basis to contemplate and ask ourselves important questions that can truly make a difference in our lives. “What is the purpose of my life?”, “What do I want to be remembered for?” and “What am I grateful for?” As we take baby steps in the direction of our dreams, we begin to gain confidence and slowly see the results of our consistent action. Ask yourself right now: “What is really important to me?”x Grab a pen and paper and write your heart out.
Tip # 3: Make them part of your life.
As a life coach, I see small miracles occur when people take the time to ask themselves important questions and take the steps necessary to move in the directions of their dreams. Baby steps taken on a regular basis will take you further then you can imagine. Know who and what is important to you and commit to make them part of your life. Be present and in the moment whether you are with your loved ones or working on a project that will move you closer to your dreams and in a short period of time, you too will start seeing small miracles happening in your life.