The Practice of Gratitude ~
Posted on June 24, 2023 by Janaki Bakshi MCC, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
The more moments we spend being grateful for, the more good enters our lives!
The more moments we spend being grateful for, the more good enters our lives. Whatever you have will increase through this daily practice. When you are happy, the Universe is happy. Gratitude increases the abundance in your life. Please do not focus on what you don’t have and start focusing on all the things you do have. Be grateful for those precious things each morning, for your life, home, family, work, health and whatever else. The important thing is to feel the feeling as you express gratitude. Just saying it does not work.
I encourage you to start a gratitude journal. Write 5 things you are grateful about each day in your journal. Or on a daily basis, tell someone how grateful you are for something. Tell sales clerks, waiters, postal workers, employers and employees, friends, family, and perfect strangers. Let’s help make this a world of gratitude, giving and receiving… for everyone! Being the change in this way will create a more beautiful, peaceful, happy and abundant world. Create your own practice in the way that inspires you.
Do you know that every thought we think and every word we speak is creating our future? That expressing gratitude decreases our toxic thinking and allows us to attract more into our life. When we wake up each morning with grateful thoughts, we feel great. You can wake up in the morning excited and happy to find yourself and feel joy spending another day with you. It starts with being grateful for you and all the wonderful things you are and have.
There are so many incredible benefits to practicing gratitude. When we regularly practice gratitude we experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and build a stronger immune system. Doesn’t that sound incredible? And, it is so easy to be grateful, so why not try it? Gratitude for whatever you have, for example being thankful for the car that takes you to work, for the food you eat or even the bed you sleep in, the ability to see, think, hear, speak and so much more. Once we focus on what is good in our lives there is no end to the list, is there? I wake up each morning and thank everything in my house, and in my life. It makes me appreciate how lucky I am in this world and what an abundant life I have in spite of the challenges that may be present, and I experience ease and grace as the day unfolds.
Incorporating gratitude into your life is easy and fun, and will change your experience of life and this beautiful world we live in.
Affirmation – I am grateful for each moment of the day and all the good in my life.
Will you practice gratitude and let Your Brilliance Shine?
Coach Janaki