Daydreaming prompt: What don't you have to do?
Posted on May 15, 2023 by Indigo Esmonde, One of Thousands of Relationship Coaches on Noomii.
For all of you out there with ‘to do list’ minds, a daydreaming prompt to remind you that the to do list is not the boss of you.
For all of you out there with ‘to do list’ minds.
Writing prompt: Sit quietly with pen and paper. Notice when your mind starts listing all the things you should be doing, have to do, need to do, are worried about doing… and write them ALL on your “I don’t have to do” list. Notice how it feels.
I did three pages of this prompt this morning. I noticed all sorts of feelings, from relief to fear. Here are some highlights of what I don’t have to do.
I don’t have to sort out my relationship with [Name Redacted]. I don’t have to figure out how to earn money. I don’t have to stay friends with [Name Redacted]. I don’t have to work a 60-hour week. I don’t have to get off the couch. I don’t have to figure out my newsletter. I don’t have to know how it all works out. I don’t have to post on social media. I don’t have to do anything.
Why do this prompt?
For people who aren’t sure what they want: Once you’ve cleared out all the things you HAVE TO DO, you might be able to find the things you WANT TO DO.
For people who love feeling feelings: Interrupting thought patterns usually brings up fun recreational feelings!
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