Balanced Life = Happy Life
Posted on March 29, 2023 by John Thuotte, One of Thousands of Entrepreneurship Coaches on Noomii.
having balnce across all areas of your life will lead to true, authentic happiness.
There has been much research, papers published, books written, and philosophical exposes analyzing what brings true happiness to someone’s life. This is not a new area of thought. Thomas Aquinas, a theologian and scholastic philosopher from the 13th century, discussed and wrote at length about what brings authentic happiness to people. Most of the research and discussions include 4-6 categories, or what I like to call pillars, that are part of one’s life. These pillars each require some attention or they may weaken, which will then cause undue stress upon and potentially destabilize other areas of your life. For a simple analogy of this concept, visualize physical pillars supporting the foundation of your life. These include:
Relationships/family: friends, family, colleagues, significant others
Spiritual/Faith: a belief in something bigger than yourself
Health: physical and mental
Career/work/financial: earn success, serve others, financial stability
I have also seen prestige, honor, fun and others as a main area of focus, family as its own section, or other breakdowns. The exact description, or number of pillars is a wonderful topic of debate, but it is somewhat irrelevant to this discussion, and my approach. The commonality in all the research is if one area of your life is unstable it puts undue stress on other pillars, which will then also suffer.
I also believe a good financial plan is also important. Financial stability creates the flexibility to choose the career you desire and to spend more time in other areas of your life. It also creates peace of mind, which is the ground floor for health, relationships, and spirituality to flourish. Let’s stabilize your pillars and get your house in order.