Why Does Leading from the 'Inside-Out' Matter?
Posted on February 20, 2023 by Dr Wilson Leung, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
Before leaders can guide others, they need to lead inside-out. Personal leadership begins with discovering one’s own life purpose and values.
Why does leading from the ‘inside-out’ matter?
We often think of leadership as a series of external actions such as building the team, managing conflict, or solving problems. The reality though, is that before leaders can guide others, they need to lead themselves first. They need to lead inside-out. This sense of personal leadership begins with discovering one’s own life purpose and values.
For your leadership to be authentic and impactful, it needs to be grounded in purpose. Your purpose takes priority. Determining your life purpose is your top priority. It is foundational to living life effectively. There is nothing more important than figuring out your life direction. Knowing where your life is headed and intentionally pursuing it gives you meaning. Knowing your life aim and being determined to achieve it will get you out of bed each morning. Your purpose takes priority.
To know your purpose in life, you need to first know your values. Your values are vital. In medicine, vital signs are indicators of life. Proper blood pressure, body temperature, heart & respiratory rates, are essential to be alive. In the same way, values are indicators of being alive with purpose. Values are the things that matter most to you. The things that you cherish and cling on to. They are the principles that you will not compromise under any circumstance. The beliefs that shape who you are. Values are the things that will cause you to feel unsettled if violated. Perhaps you value living with integrity…or helping others…or taking ownership of your actions…or being a positive influence…or showing compassion to the needs of others…or learning and being educated. Perhaps you value family…or close friendships…or a balanced life…or your spirituality. Values are the things that motivate you. The things that inspire you. The things that make you feel alive. Values are things that make your life worth living. Your values are vital.
Knowing the values that are important to you, will determine your purpose. For you to experience peace and significance, your life values need to align with your life purpose. We all want to look back at our lives one day and know that our lives counted for something. That we have made a difference in this world and are leaving a positive legacy behind. Living daily with your values and purpose in mind will help inform every decision you make. This includes all of your leadership decisions.
Leadership begins from the inside-out.