What Are Your Natural Talents?
Posted on February 17, 2023 by Bryan Yates, One of Thousands of Performance Coaches on Noomii.
Turns out I have a few natural gifts that I'm gratefully pretty darn good at. Some of them might even occasionally be useful to other folks.
Turns out I have a few natural gifts that I’m gratefully pretty darn good at. Some of them might even occasionally be useful to other folks.
Connecting The Dots. I see the connective tissue in complex situations. This has shown up as an ability to connect the right people together in complementary ways. It also means I’ve developed tools that help people more fully connect to themselves, their self visions, and their purpose.
Convincing You To Do Hard Sh!t. Coaxing people to enroll in a future version of themselves has shown up in life, work, and on the bike. Our imagination about how hard a challenge may be is just self storytelling. We may have carried the latent memory of missing the mark in the past to the point that it stops us from trudging through our present difficulties. Anyone who’s had my hand on their back, pushing them up a literal or figurative climb on their bike, has never ever said to anyone at the end, “I wish I’d never tried that hill.” It’s typically been, “Thank you for not letting me quit.” (Trudge, by the way, means “to walk with purpose.”)
Clarity About Your Possibility. Maybe it’s from years of crossing finish lines, managing projects, or coaching people to their performance goals, but I can often see very early where a person is heading. I just need to look at where they’re pointing their bike (or gaze), and gauge what’s shaping their beliefs on that journey. As a coach, I guarantee that my conviction about your personal potential will always exceed your ambivalence or hesitation towards change. I think the equation looks something like: Your Inner Hesitation < My Outer Belief In Your Capacity.
Kale Caesar Salad. I make a pretty tasty one.
I’ve often not been comfortable saying positive things about myself. I’ve often deflected or minimized my natural talents by comparing and contrasting to the records of other folks. None of that matters, knowing what I’m good at and being able to share it in the positive service of others is the gift.
What are your natural talents, and how are you using them in your work, life, and fitness?
purity & love,