Corporate and Workplace Trauma
Posted on February 09, 2023 by Breda Pickering, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
Corporate Trauma or also known as Corporate Traumatic Stress Disorder (CTSD) is becoming more of an issue for employees.
Trauma in the workplace can be from an isolated incident or in more serious cases when there is a repletion of incidents combined become unbearable for the individual.
From my experience it leaves the employee feeling isolated and, in many cases, feeling hopeless about rebuilding trust and self-worth.
It can affect even the greatest employee because it is usually derived from someone else’s insecurity. It can come at us completely out of the blue and leave us in a place we never thought possible.
When this happens there is often no safe place to go within your workplace to voice your experience and to have a non-judgmental conversation to get you back on track.
And when a career trauma does happen, it can be difficult to recover from.
I have successfully recovered from Corporate Trauma myself and have coached numerous others through this exceptionally stressful experience.
I know first-hand how real it is and it is my mission to assist others to rebuild their confidence and self-worth when they are exposed unnecessarily to Corporate Trauma through low Emotional Intelligence in Management.