Three Reasons Why People Procrastinate and How to Get Moving
Posted on February 05, 2023 by Daniel Rosenstein, One of Thousands of Performance Coaches on Noomii.
Procrastination gets the best of us, but some people struggle with it on a regular basis. Here are some tips that you may find useful.
Procrastination gets the best of us, but some people struggle with it on a regular basis. They find themselves putting off what can be done later, instead of knocking it out. Why people procrastinate varies, but we’ll explore three common reasons for putting things off, along with some solutions for procrastination.
Reason 1: Feeling Overwhelmed
When you have a lot on your plate and aren’t sure where to begin, it makes getting started even harder. You may feel like there’s a pile of rocks weighing on you and you’re not certain which to move first in order to get from underneath. The mental energy you spend debating on where to start is wasted, and in the end you don’t complete a single thing. Instead of moving at least one step forward, you end up frozen in place.
Solution: Prioritize and List
One of the best solutions for procrastination in this situation is to make a list of everything you need to do. From there, rearrange that list by priority – the most important and time sensitive things at the top, the less important and non-time bound items at the bottom. By organizing your tasks into a to-do list, you can visualize what needs to get accomplished, and by prioritizing it automatically helps you determine which item to begin with, instead of trying to pick at random. Work your way down the list, adding and rearranging as other obligations arise. This can be a “living list” that is ongoing and changes over time as tasks are accomplished and others come about.
Reason 2: No Energy or motivation to Get Started
Let’s say you’ve made your to-do list like in the example above, and it’s time to start on item #1, but you just can’t get yourself off of the couch. It’s comfortable, you’re under a warm blanket on a cold day, and the thought of doing anything other than watching TV is unappealing. It’s been a long week at work, and all you want is to relax, even if your taxes are due. The tasks still need to be done, but the thought of getting started is a barrier.
Solution: Commit to a Few Minutes
Build momentum by agreeing to perform the task needing to be completed for just a few minutes. Commit to spending five minutes on doing your taxes, folding laundry, or whatever it is – you’ll likely get into a rhythm and will stick to it far longer. Five minutes into the activity you’ll have found a rhythm and won’t want to stop right in the middle of something. You’ll decide to work until you at least get to a point where you can stop cleanly, meaning you end up doing more than you’d set out. If you promise to fold just five pieces of clothes, you’ll get to the fifth and decide to do just one or two more – next thing you know, you’ve folded the entire load!
Reason 3: There’s No Reason to Get it Done Now
In some cases, there isn’t an urgent reason to do something – it’s not time sensitive, there’s no risk of a negative result, or it’s a task that can be done at any other time. Even when you can put off the chore, trip, or work without a consequence, that doesn’t mean you should. It may be better to go ahead and get it done so that if something more critical does come up, you’ve already got one less thing on your plate. For example, you put off doing laundry but then there’s a sudden out of town trip you have to make tomorrow, and none of your clothes are clean. You’d be regretting the procrastination of waiting to do laundry!
Solution: Reward Yourself for Going the Extra Mile
When you commit to completing a chore or task, promise yourself a reward when it’s done – maybe a long bubble bath, food from your favorite restaurant, or a nice glass of wine. Don’t let yourself have the prize until the work is done, though! If needed, pull in a friend or family member to help keep you honest. Having another person aware of your commitment may also help you stay motivated.
Procrastination doesn’t make you a bad person – we all have moments where we delay. The problem is when it begins to negatively impact your personal or work life, and you find yourself struggling to turn things around. The next time you tell yourself you’ll do the dishes later, try one of these procrastination solutions and impress yourself with your work!