Dress for the weather: for winning and losing
Posted on January 31, 2023 by Martin Krafft, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Celebrate your successes, but be prepared for the occasional ‘course correction'
Whilst we strive for our businesses (and private lives) to continuously improve over time, they are not following a straight upward trajectory. Typically, our life experiences are meandering … ideally around an upward trend.
So it’s important that we celebrate our successes, when we win. But when things go downhill, we better have prepared ourselves beforehand by having anticipated the eventualities, that could go wrong – and how we would react to the different things that might not go as planned and expected.
As per my experience, being aware and connected with our values is key to respond to these stimuli in a way that we can be proud of in the moment – and in the long term. In my Master Mariner maritime jargon: proper preparation prevents poor performance.
If these conditions are met, then the only thing that’s left for us to do is to do the right thing and to give our best … and we’ll never have to look back in regret. And that’s where your values come into play: they will guide you towards what’s the right thing to do on your unique map of realities and in touch with what is dearest to you. Your will, being intentional, on the other hand allows you to play full on, to give your best.