Posted on January 26, 2023 by Scott Pickering, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Life is not a dress rehersal. You owe to yourself to get the best out of it
I like breaking day-to-day goals and objectives down into “Bite-Sized” chunks.
I find that it is much easier to manage smaller individual activities that when combined result in your goals being achieved. I am not saying work longer, I am saying work smarter.
At the end of the day, life’s all about priorities. Initially, we make choices, decisions and then take actions to fulfil our goals, objectives, and desires.
Many of us are always looking for the “Next Best Thing”. We tell our circle of friends that we want to change job, maybe move house or even change the country that we live in, in order to meet the goal of the ”Next Best Thing”.
We believe in the concept, which is often termed, that “The Grass Is Greener on the other side”.
We set New Year resolutions based upon our goals, dreams, and desires of what we believe our new lifestyle should appear to be and how we as individuals will fit in. However, so many of us fail to follow through. We have ALL been there….
It is great to be able live a life full of purpose; to be at the cause rather than the effect of our lifestyle and to evaluate who we are, and how we fit in.
We all dream, we all have visions, which is great.
The issue is about “Follow Through”, most of us fail because we fail to prioritize. We are so good at visualizing where we believe we should be, and how we fit in. We are just so poor about making it happen, and most of us just drift, we remain habitual dreamers and our life never changes, we remain in a rut, deep in the herd and as time passes, we settle, we stop dreaming, we stop visualizing.
We are only on this planet once, it is NOT a dress rehearsal.
If you want to change, step out of the herd, and fulfil your beliefs, it ALL starts with you and your priorities. You must be willing to take the action required and make the choices to enable to get to your end result. This involves being clear on your priorities.
If you look at your life now it is probably a great revealing snap shot of what you have prioritized in the past.
So new priorities need to be set to move to a new result.
You need to make lifestyle choices, make decisions, act, and set your priorities.
This is all about your Mindset.
Reach out if you are serious about wanting to change your life.