Goal? Resolution? Word?
Posted on January 04, 2023 by Tara Lehman, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
There are so many ways to start to make a change in your life towards your aspirations or goals.
There are so many ways to start to make a change in your life towards your aspirations or goals. If you are like most people, you do this automatically on New Year’s Eve. It’s a habit most of us have – bring in the new year with the expectation of a new us and a new resolution to keep.
Well, only about 9% of those who make New Year’s Resolutions, according to www.insideoutmastery.com, actually succeed. It is one thing to come up with a resolution, goal, or word for the year, but it is another completely to do something about it.
Once you decide on a goal, resolution, or word, be sure to work with your coach, or use the tools to create a goal that will work for you, action steps that are small and manageable that work towards your goal and check in with yourself and your due date often. Things happen in life, so if you need to move your due date for valid reasons, then do it. However, always keep due dates for your goals, and smaller action steps reasonable (don’t forget to give yourself a non-monetary reward when meeting those steps too).
Let’s now switch to why do you wait for New Year’s Eve to create goals and resolutions (or words to live by) for the year? Well, the answer is easy, because a new year signals a new beginning for most. However, I am here to tell you that any month, day, special occasion, hour, or even minute is a new beginning. Remember that our future is not here, and every minute out is our future. You can create a goal or resolution any time you want. So, if you say to yourself that you have failed or stopped with the better habit then you have to wait until Jan 1 (or whenever you celebrate the new year) you may never achieve what you set out to. If you “fail”, then get right back up. Ask yourself: What went wrong? What went right? What habit do I need to start with again? Were my action steps too big? Do an analysis and the next minute/ hour/day, get back up and move forward toward that goal.
Have a word for the year, month, or day? The process is the same. For example, if your word is thrive, then you need to determine what you need to do to thrive – and no winning the lottery is not the answer. Perhaps you need to exercise more and eat better or save $25 a week to pay for something…but whatever it is you need to meet your word, becomes a goal or resolution.
What are you waiting for? January 1? It could be 364 days away, so get started today…or get re-started today. There is no need to wait. Goals and resolutions can be achievable one small step at a time.
Need help? I’ve got you covered on all your life, career (including leadership), and business goals. Contact me today for your free discovery consult.
Tara Lehman